
(Dana P.) #1

confronted with a problem, their hearts reverberate with the words of
Christ: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”
(Mtt. 19:26).

Most worthwhile things of eternal value are impossible for us because we
are impotent, or powerless. That’s why Jesus said: “Apart from Me you can
do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). But while we are impotent, God is potent. That’s
why we speak of God as omnipotent, or all-powerful. Paul learned and
affirmed that truth when he wrote: “ is God who works in you to
will and to act according to His good purpose...I can do everything
through Him Who gives me strength” (Phil. 2:13; 3:13).

This is where the “Faith Factor” comes into play. It is the single BIGGEST
plus factor in the life of a Biblical leader! He has learned this important
Biblical principle: “God honors faith because faith honors God.” One of the
most crucial verses for his life and leadership is Hebrews 11:6, which

“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone
who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that
He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”

When God is the sole object of our faith, the impossible becomes possible!
Not because of us – but because of Him. God puts no limitations on
faith – because faith puts no limitations on Him. The opposite is also true:
“Faithlessness limits God.” It is our little faith – or lack of faith – that is the
limiting factor in the equation. One day Jesus was confronted with two
blind men who desired sight. Humanly speaking, this was an absolutely
impossible situation! Jesus asked them what He often asks Christians and
leaders who face impossible situations: “Do you believe that I am able
to do this?” They affirmed their faith in Him and said: “Yes, Lord.” Then
Jesus touched them and said: “According to your faith will it be done
to you” (Mtt. 9:27-29). Therefore, it is “...according to our faith” that
God works in our behalf. We can either have “mountain moving faith” or
“molehill moving faith!” It’s up to us! As Richard Phillips wrote: “Faith
inspires what riches and rewards could never motivate.”^1 If all we want to
ever see God do in and through our lives is what is possible, we will never
have the joy of watching Him do the impossible! Faith never leaves us
where we are. It always takes us to a new level of achievement because it
is focused on God. That’s why Biblical leaders want God to give them a
vision that is so BIG that only He can accomplish it!

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