
(Dana P.) #1

“God honors faith because faith honors God.”

Authentic Biblical faith focuses exclusively on God and makes Him...His
Word...and His Spirit the center of everything. Faith allows God to fully
be Who He is and accomplish all that He wants to do. As a result, God
alone receives the glory that He fully deserves. Be well assured, God’s
perfect will – will be done!” It will happen with us – or without us! Biblical
leaders are just selfish enough to want to experience the joy and thrill
of being a small part of what God is doing in His universe! That can
only happen by faith! Faith is the greatest positive factor in the life of
any leader. That’s why the spiritual leader wants to live by by
faith...lead by faith. He also wants to take every opportunity to build faith
in the life of his followers. As Oswald Sanders wrote: “Faith builds faith.
Pessimism dismantles faith. The spiritual leader’s primary task is to build the
faith of others.”^2

“Th e spiritual leader’s primary task is to build the
faith of others.” (Oswald Sanders)

While not ignoring the problems, the Biblical leader sees the possibility
and appropriates God’s power to accomplish God’s purpose. He helps others
reach the potential for which they were created.

“Leaders face the problems, but focus on possibilities
and appropriate God’s power so that others may reach
their potential.”

Leaders are “providential possibility thinkers” who focus on the inherent
possibility while others focus on the apparent problem! They have the
ability to see the possibility in the problem that others cannot see...will not
see...or are unwilling to pay the price that it will cost to transform the
problem into a possibility. It is the difference between what a buzzard and
a hummingbird see as they fly over a field. One sees the dead carcass –
while the other sees the flowers! The buzzard smells rotting flesh – while
the hummingbird smells the nectar! It all depends upon the perspective.

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