Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
challenge to the familiar colonial role of ‘racial
studies’ (as supplier of anthropological informa-
tion on colonial subjects) as well as to its more
contemporary incarnation (as the social analysis
of the predicament of racialized minorities in the
west). This also implies that the tradition of
emphasizing the racialization of localities as the
principal research focus of ‘racial geography’
needs to be widened to enable a fuller apprecia-
tion of the intersections of race and geography.
Geographers cannot avoid issues of racial and
ethnic division: they are part and parcel of the
discipline’s history and its most basic vocabular-
ies. However, perhaps because of this, geographers
are well placed to provide a more insightful and
considered judgement than social critics for
whom ideas like ‘European’, ‘western’, ‘African’
and so on are less clearly visible as contingent
and mutable creations.


1 But see Lambert’s (2001) recent geography of ‘racial
reinscription’ (p. 335) in colonial Barbados.


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