Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
to problematize a dualistic depiction of
domination and resistance. But more than this, it
helps us to underline how the cultural geographies
of neoliberalism are overdetermined by processes
of ideological negotiation and contestation.
Thus, while each of our cases represents a reflec-
tion of the expansion and entrenchment of neo-
liberal agreements and policy-making across the
Americas, they each also show how the reterrito-
rialization of economic relations is complexly dis-
placed and replaced in new, sometimes radically
resistant, cultural geographies of scale-jumping.


Cascadia, gateway to the Pacific North-west and the
Two-Nation Vacation, consists of the American states

of Washington and Oregon and the Canadian province
of British Columbia. It’s an advantageous location of
international tourism and trade ... There’s something
magnetic here for a certain kind of soul ... one
who appreciates natural beauty, limitless recreational
opportunities, and the vibrant blend of international
influences that have produced Cascadia’s diverse
culture and thriving economy. Many people have
decided to call this region home which is a decision
you’ll understand once you see Cascadia for yourself ...
Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. That’s
where Cascadia is. But once you’ve experienced this
magical place, its going to be somewhere else as well.
It’ll be in your heart and on your mind ... forever. (The
Cascadian Traveler pamphlet, undated)

Here is a landscape conjured up to appeal
directly to international tourists. Packaged as a
transnational space for a so-called ‘Two-Nation
Vacation’, this vision has been developed over
the last decade as one of the main promotional
gambits of Cascadia’s business-oriented boosters.


Figure 26.1 Poster for Cascadia

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