Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
boundaries cont.
ontological pluralism 560,
561, 565
subjectivity 287, 296
transnationality 79
Bourdieu, P. 155, 241, 277
Brah, Avtar 40
Braidotti, R. 413
brands 51, 110
Braudel, Fernand 171, 175–6
Braun, Bruce 178–80
Bretton Woods system 117
Bridge, Gavin 177, 178
Brosius, P. 447
Brown, J.S. 138–9
Brown, Michael 284, 285, 286,
Burkina Faso 444
Burnett, Graham 360–1
Burton, A. 406
Burton, Richard 360
Business Immigration
Programme 75–6
Butler, Judith 41, 68, 413, 475
Butler, Ruth 45, 67
Butz, David 65

Callard, Felicity 65
capitalism 3, 117
circulation 239–40
consumption culture 157
demonstrations against 24–7,
economy 92
inequality 48
informational 106
labour culture 110
nature 170–1, 174–7
transnationality 75, 76–8, 81–2
capitalist consumption 150–1
Carby, H. 409
CARICOM 487, 490–2
Carson, Rachael 503
Cartesian tradition 562
Cascadia 487, 488–90
Castells, M. 76–7, 106, 468
Castree, Noel 166, 168–83
categorization 325, 326,
332–3, 334
Central Park 502
Chakrabarty, D. 402, 404, 449
Chatterjee, Partha 364
Chatterjee, S. 391

Chipko movement 446
Chow, Rey 411
Chrisman, Nicolas 539
Christie, M. 557
circuit of culture 214, 215–16
circularity 522, 558
citizenship 317
City of London 122–3
civilization 19–20, 427–8
Clarke, Arthur C. 504
class 51
labour culture 108
landscape 258–60
middle 102, 259, 296, 306
race 306
structure 49
subjectivity 286, 296
working 99, 100, 101–2, 103, 105
classification, ethnic 306–7
Claude glass 258
Clayton, Daniel 347, 348,
Clifford, J. 81, 383, 558
the closet 285, 295, 315, 320
codified knowledge 136, 137
coexistence 565–7
Cohen, S. 141
Cohn, Bernard S. 385
colonial discourse 384
colonialism 348, 354–68, 376,
410, 425
Algeria 428
body 375
development 434
environmental geopolitics
internal 430
landscape 264–5
racialization 544–6
violence 410, 422
colonizing geographies 359–62
Comaroff, J. 487
commodification 58–9
commodity chain analysis
148, 158
commodity fetishism 151, 174–5
common culture 147
communication 538
communities 446–7
imagined 474
knowledge 526
of practice 137–9

competence-based theory
136–7, 139
conjoining 174–5
conquisto 422
consciousness 5, 276, 291
construction 176–8,
constructionism 177, 550–1
consumer culture 147, 158
consumerist west 50
consumer sovereignty 150
consumption 50–3, 65, 105,
economy 94
landscape 239
nature 175
containment 424
contested landscapes 557–69
contingency 515
Cooper, Annabel 63
Cooper, Fred 436
Copeland, David 24, 28
corporate culture 110, 132,
corporations 94, 109–10
corporeality 41, 45, 68
Cosgrove, Denis 171, 212, 228,
229, 241–2, 249–68, 272,
273, 274, 537–8, 539
cosmographies 256
cosmopolitanism 448, 449
counter-terrorism 460
coupling, nature 174–5
Court, Gill 64
Crang, P. 82, 559
Cream, Julia 63
creative destruction 110, 133,
178, 251
Cresswell,Tim 228, 229, 269–81
critical geopolitics 473–6
critical race theory 549–53
critical realism 515
Cronon,W. 209, 210
Crush, Jonathan 403
cultural absolutism 158
cultural blending 75
cultural deconstruction 44
cultural identity 467
cultural-linguistic constructionism
cultural relativism 20, 350, 411
cultural turn 38, 39, 349
consumption 147, 160


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