Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
cultural turn cont.
economic geography 131–2,
137, 142
economy 94, 95
feminism 410–12
gender 326
geopolitics 458, 473
nature 165, 171
postcolonialism 357
queer theory 319
the social 48
culture area 349–50
Curry, Michael 506
cyberspace 318, 469, 540, 541
cyberzoo 195
cyborg world 189

Dalby, Simon 477, 498–509
Daniels, Stephen 272
Davidson, Joyce 16–17, 65, 284,
285, 325–43
Davis, Boyce 383
Davis-Floyd, R.B. 110
Davis,William Morris 513
Dawson, George 214, 513
Day, Kristen 66
dead labour 233–48
de Beauvoir, Simone 327, 330
de Certeau, Michel 273–4
decolonization 262–3, 348,
403, 430
deep ecology movement 198
Delaney, D. 553
de Lauretis,Teresa 293–4, 295
Deleuze, G. 220–1
dematerialization 152, 159
Demeritt, D. 208–9
democracy 420–32
denaturalization 66, 175, 212,
326, 327
derivatives 117–19, 124
Derrida, Jacques 516, 525
Descartes, René 59, 422, 523
determination 171–3
determinism 91, 171–3, 513, 534
deterritorialization 80, 81, 82,
458, 469
development 349, 433–53
dialectic 173–4
diasporas 40, 373–4, 375
decolonization 350
gender 335–6
knowledge 525
spaces of 374–5

differentiation 64, 107–8
Diouf, M. 448, 449
Dirlik, A. 383, 387
Dirsuweit,Teresa 64
disability 40–1, 45, 46, 66–7, 70
discursivity 124–5
‘distribution of things’ 2, 3
Dodd, N. 118
dog stealing 191–2
‘doing’ 2, 5
do-it-yourself workers 108
domesticated animals 186–7,
189, 192, 194–6
domestic environmentalism 15
Domosh, Mona 1–35
Donkin, R.A. 186, 187 companies 108, 120
double day 53
Douglas, Mary 153
Dowler, L. 477–8
doxic landscapes 229, 277–80
drawing 252
Dreaming 561, 562–3
dreamworlds 156
Dreyfus, Hubert 535
Driver, Felix 357–8, 359, 381,
388, 391, 537
Dubos, René 506
Duguid, P. 138–9
Duncan, James 272–3, 361
Dussel, Enrique 422
dwelling 7, 278
Dyck, Isabel 40, 41, 58–73

Eagleton,Terry 90–1
ecology 198, 439
landscape 209–10, 261
political 173, 176, 210, 439, 445
of understanding 210
eco-Marxism 170
e-commerce, consumption
culture 159
economic bodies 65
economic growth 421
economic processes 77
economic transformation 98–115
economy 31, 89–163
consumption cultures 147–63
money cultures 116–30
nature 171
political 233–48
production 131–46
and the social 47
ecopolitics 504–5
ecosystem ecology 209

l’écriture feminine 332
Edensor,Tim 279
the edge 361
Edney, Matthew 360
embeddedness 536
financial markets 121
money culture 123
nature 175–6
production 134, 135, 142
embodiment 45, 58–73, 166,
221, 285, 287
Emel, Jody 166, 184–206
Empire 357–9
see alsopostcolonialism
edge of 377
see alsolabour
illness 60–1, 68–9
labour cultures 98–115
England, Kim 321
Enlightenment 178, 285,
326, 544–5
environmental determinism 172
environmental geopolitics
environmental history 166
environmentalism 15, 470, 546
environmental knowledge 445
Eora people 561
Epicurus 5
epistemic cultures 524
epistemology 512–16, 520–31
equality 328, 330, 546–9
Escobar, Arturo 177, 178, 440,
441, 442, 566
essentialism 4
Esteva, G. 567
ethical energetics 8
ethico-politics 412
ethics 197–9, 222
ethnic assertiveness 306
ethnogeography 301–2
ethnographic turn 148
ethnography 309, 435, 443–5
Euro-Americanism 403, 420–32
Eurocentrism 349, 360, 410,
414, 420, 422, 557–8, 559,
561–3, 565, 567
Europe 301–2
‘fortress’ 470
queer geography 319
evolution 560
evolutionary dynamics 134–5
evolutionary models 187
exceptionalism 422–3, 425


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