Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
exclusion 46–7, 51, 259, 331
experience 12
exploration culture 359

Fairhead, J. 210–11
Falk, R. 427
false consciousness 291
falsification 527
Fanon, F. 389–90, 549–50
fashion 17–18
femininity 333
boundaries 478
colonialism 361
labour culture 101, 108
landscape 212, 261–2
place 328–9
queer geography 315
subjectivity 294
feminism 39, 66, 325–38, 400–2,
see alsogender
actor network theory 536–7
animal geography 198
the body 61–2, 63, 67
colonialism 361
empire 348
knowledge 408, 409, 527
labour culture 108
landscape 213, 262
nature 166
subjectivity 290
Third World 402
the West 405–19
Feng-shui 265
Ferguson, J. 444
Ferguson, Kathy 296
Fields, G. 141
financial sector 94
Fine, B. 117
Finnish border 462–3, 465
firm, theory of the 136–7,
139, 140
Fiske, J. 428, 429
fitness 65
FitzSimmons, Margaret 499–500
fixed social categories 67
flexibility 103, 110
Florida, Richard 141
Flowers, Betty S. 110
Fordism 104–6, 126, 152
Foster, John 175
Fothergill, A. 566
Foucault, Michel 61, 64, 421,
437, 440–1, 516, 525, 526
Frankenberg, Ruth 308

Frankfurt School 171, 178, 526,
Fraser, Nancy 92, 333
fraud 121
French Revolution 426
front lines 304
Fukuyama, Francis 429
Funk, N. 407–8
Fuss, Diana 315

Gaia 504
Gandhi, Leela 355–6
gardens 258
Gellner, Ernest 465
anxious geographies 15–16
differences 41
differentiation 107–8
finance 64, 123
geopolitics 473–84
labour culture 101–2, 103,
105–6, 108, 110
landscape 261–2
nationhood 66
polarization 49
shopping 53
subjectivity 285, 286, 293–5,
296, 325–43
technologies of 293
transnationality 83
genderbashing 66
genetic research 59
geoethics 199
geographical engineering 533
geographic information systems
(GIS) 200, 532, 538–40
geopolitics 455–509
boundaries 462–72
environmental 498–509
gender 473–84
political geographies 455–61
scale 485–97
transnationality 78–9
geo-power 465–6
Gerschenkron, Alexander 436
Gertler, Meric S. 131–46
Gibson-Graham, J.K. 92
Giddens, A. 108, 154
Gilbert, D. 391
Gilbert, Emily 120
Gilmore, Ruth Wilson 551
Gilroy, P. 7, 387
Giorgione 252–3, 261
Glacken, C. 506
Glasmeier, A.K. 139

Gleeson, Brendan 45
global culture 157–9
global economy 142
globalization 440–1
agriculture 195
environment 500, 503
geopolitics 458, 462–72
labour culture 99–100
queer theory 317–18
race 307
subjectivity 291
trait geography 350–1
transnationality 75, 76–7
models 82
global scale 137
global sisterhood 479
glocalization 158
Godlewska, Anne 347–8,
358, 388
Goetz, Anne Marie 411
Goldman, M. 444–5
Gould, Peter 93
governmentality 437–9
graffiti 3
Gramsci, A. 475–6
Granovetter, Mark 176
Grant, Ali 331
grassroots postmodernism
440, 449
Gregory, D. 355, 357, 359–60,
363, 366, 381, 514
Gregson, Nicky 38–9, 40,
43–57, 64
Greimas, A.J. 217
Griffiths, H. 196
Grosz, Elizabeth 61–2, 216–17
growth theory 434
Guillaumin, Colette 549
Gullo, A. 192–3, 196
Gupta, A. 442, 445, 447, 448
Gurkha soldiers 375

habitus 5, 155, 241
Hacking, Ian 522
Haggard, Rider 305
Haggis, Jane 411, 412
Hall, Edward 45
Hall, Stuart 293, 306, 366, 369,
373, 440
Haltunnen, Karen 17–18
Hannam, Kevin 329, 332
Hannerz, U. 109
Hanson, Susan 333–4
Haraway, Donna 414


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