Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography. 2009

(Sean Pound) #1

but shadowing is critical here to create the illusion of depth and separate
the subject from whatever surface she may be reclining on.
As I come down the ladder and start shooting at more eye-level to the
model (keep in mind, I’m not a tall photographer at 5-foot, 7-inches), I’ll
often ask the model to raise a leg—just a she would when putting on or
taking off hose. This pose will have a natural slimming effect on the
model’s legs.

One of my favorite lighting techniques,
especially with full-length poses, is to ac-
centuate the S curve of the body. Notice
how Tess’s high-heeled shoes also help
accentuate her calf muscles and natural
curves. The model was placed slightly to
camera right with her head turned back
toward the camera to help create direc-
tion in the image. This also allowed her
dress to flow out into the open space be-
hind her. The fence and the column help
draw the viewer’s eyes to the model.
This image was illuminated with a Hen-
sel Integra Pro Plus 500 monolight fitted
with a medium Chimera Soft Strip Pro
Plus box and a Lighttools 40-degree
grid. Both the model and the camera
were shaded from the direct sun. (Cam-
era:Canon 5D;Lens:Canon 70-200mm
f/2.8L IS, USM lens, effective focal length
at 85mm;ISO:100;Shutter speed:^1 / 200
second;Aperture:f/14;White balance:
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