Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography. 2009

(Sean Pound) #1

Natural Breasts.Do the subject’s breasts need uplifting or support?
This can be the case with any subject, but is especially common with more
mature subjects and women who have had children. If so, have her use
her hands to support her breasts. You can also have her cross her arms or
wear an underwire bra. Avoid lying-down poses. Instead, choose poses
that have the subject lift her arms over her head; this will naturally lift the
breasts. Whatever you do, don’t comment on breasts that droop or have
stretch marks; you’ll only give the model a complex or help destroy her
Augmented Breasts.If your subject has augmented or enhanced
breasts, never call them “fake” or “implants.” (For the record, all breasts
arereal, whether augmented or not. After all, have you ever seen a “fake”
breast augmentation?) Also, realize that it’s not your business why the
model chose to have this medical procedure. Some do it for reconstruc-
tion after child-bearing, others for more firm support, and many for up-
lifting their self-esteem. Simply respecting your model’s decision will go a
long way in developing a good rapport. From the photographer’s
perspective, your only concerns should be any scars that have re-
sulted from the procedure and the final shape of the breasts that has
Breast augmentations are usually done through the belly,
armpits, nipples, or underneath the actual breasts. If you feel com-
fortable, respectfully ask the model which procedure was used in
her surgery. (Note:Don’t ask her to see them, even if you’ll be shooting
nudes later.) This will help you determine a few things. If a subject who
wants to pose nude tells you that the surgeon went through her nipple
area, you should waitat leastsix months before photographing her. That
area takes time to heal, and you’ll want to ensure less noticeable scars in
your images. This also applies to the surgery done underneath the cups of
the breasts.
If the model states that the medical procedure was done through her
armpits or belly, chances are you will not have to wait as long for the heal-
ing. I still recommend, however, that you wait several months before pho-
tographing a model with recent breast-enhancement surgery. This allows
the implant bags to properly settle within the pectoral area of the body.
Some breasts can take even a year to settle properly so the nipples are in
the proper position.
One thing to watch with breast-augmented subjects is the distance be-
tween the breasts after surgery. Some women have great surgeons and
great bodies with only a small, natural gap between their breasts. Others
are not so lucky and the gap between the breasts appears abnormal. If your

It’s not your business why
the modelchose to have
this medical procedure.


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