Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography. 2009

(Sean Pound) #1

that the model’s breasts are not firm, have her wear a bra or bikini top—
perhaps with underwire support.
Watch the Lines.Anytime the body is position horizontally, either
laying completely flat or when the model is on her hands and knees, watch
out for the imaginary horizon formed by the body or what the body is
lying on. It’s usually best to place that line in either the lower one-third
of the frame or the upper one-third. Sometimes this is a style choice, but
sometimes one composition just seems more logical. For example, when
a model is posed on her hands and knees, you’ll usually place the line of
her body at the upper one-third of the frame. If she’s lying down with her
legs elevated, the line of her body would normally be at the lower one-
third line. Again, this is a style choice you can make.

Often I’ll have a model kick a leg up—
but sometimes two legs are better than
one, as is the case with Stephanie’s pose
in this image. Brushing out her hair in a
fan-like manner also helps lead the
viewer to her face. Notice how her body
forms a unique L-shaped pose; her legs
hit the upper one-third of the image,
while her hair touches the lower one-
third. While the general rule of thumb
says that lighting should appear to come
from only one direction, the accent
lights here create shadows in two direc-
tions, accenting the torso by creating a
pool of shade around it that separates
her from the vast white car hood. Notice,
too, how her lingerie was carefully
placed to camera right as an element of
the image. (Camera:Olympus E-500;
Lens:effective focal length 52mm;ISO:
100;Shutter speed:^1 / 125 second;Aper-
ture:f/8;Lighting:1] as the main light,
a Hensel Integra Pro Plus 500 monolight
fitted with a 7-inch reflector and a 10-de-
gree grid, 2] as the fill light, a Hensel In-
tegra Pro Plus 500 monolight with a
Hensel beauty dish, 3] as accent lights
placed on opposite sides of the model’s
back, two Hensel Integra Pro Plus 500
monolights with 7-inch reflectors and
10-degree grids;White balance:6000K)


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