The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter Five

Sexualization and Amana

Trust & Human Development

"... if Allah intended some harm for me, could they remove His harm? Or if He
intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His mercy?" Say: "Sufficient
for me is Allah, in Him those who trust must put their trust.”
(Q, 39:38)

The phrase “... in
Him those who trust
must trust” implies
there are people who
do not trust
anybody, so pray you
do not marry such a
one. Human sexual relations reach the very summit of pleasure and charity
towards each partner when trust between them is paramount. This is only
ecstasy that reflects Allah’s pleasure and those of the people of Jannah. Trust
is an absolute requirement for the perfection of Islam’s deen in marriage.
Such trust evolves over time in which each spouse observes and comes to
respect the other’s approach to the deen through balanced adab. I shall
demonstrate how and why this trust is made manifest and channeled towards
sexual intimacy as an act of faith in God, and that it is a continuum mediated
through the sense of 'touch' that has everything to do with amana and iman.
Sexual deviation as well as immodest behavior and dress have become so
widespread their many variations are now being accepted as naturally normal.
Even the word ‘perversion’ has fallen from professional grace and I expect the
next generation will consider sexual deviancy the norm and heterosexuals as
un-evolved hominids. The fact that less than 20% of American households
are traditional ‘mom and dad’ estates predicates this expectation, and as you
read the following exposition you will come to understand why. We should
also acknowledge that sexual dysfunctions such as frigidity, impotence,

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