The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1
“... premature infants who were massaged for 15 minutes, three times a day, gained
weight 47 percent faster than others who were left alone in their incubators - the
usual practice.... The massaged infants did not eat more than the others,” said
doctor Field. “Their weight gain seems due to the effect of contact on their

As-Sakkinah vs. Misogyny

When trust is established through touch all is well. However, the lack of trust
carries over to all realms of human relations and not only expresses itself in
sexual inhibition or deviation, but also in the withholding of truth, such that
families breeding liars and mistrust maintain pretentious attitudes of
politeness that shroud disclosure and prevent forthright confrontation of
significant conflicts that would otherwise lead to justice or adab. This
affected piety permits satans a wide berth in which to perfect hypocrisy vis-à-
vis the human denial syndrome that allows little room for the congruent
development of taqua and human intimacy. In other words, when trust is
absent lies and liars are king and injustice is normalized.

Under an absolute Machiavellian monarchy, the 'Rest of God' in As-Sakkinah
is opposed so that form and function are disturbed and guided towards chaos
or involution, both physically and metaphysically. Testicular Feminization
for example, shows a perfect example of end-organ resistance to the
autonomous word of Al’Mussawwir. Some form of stress affected the primal
mother who birthed this genetic disorder during the first weeks of gestation
and the insult led to a life-long inheritable end-result (1:50,000 births).
“Women” with this syndrome trust they are genetic females until examined
by doctors for infertility only to discover they are genetic males. To profess
that such instances are only genetically determined is akin to accusing Allah
of deviation.

Trust is therefore King of human emotional and physical well-being as well as
sexuality. When an abused or repressed woman fondles her newborn, her
chronic anxiety is transferred to the infant via the skin. If her husband enters
the room she tenses up, sweats, increases her heart beat and tightens her

Effects Of Touch On Infants #142804; T.Thompson, , retrieved 15 Jan 2010

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