The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

The preparation of your spirit to honor his leadership without words of
condemnation will overcome his resistance to any advice, objection or
request you might humbly raise. Be constantly ready to ask forgiveness if you
do offend him, and always bear the manner of a loyal and loving servant of his
best interests. Study the story of Queen Esther of Bani Israel and learn
wisdom from her wisely prepared appeal to her husband the King, which
saved her people from destruction. Never criticize your husband’s motives or
convictions to others but always show appreciation for them, and do not
respond to any negative backbiting gossip – just peacefully walk away.

Five A man needs quality time to be alone

in order to meditate and seek God’s direction.

Man is created to have communion with God, even if he thinks he is an
atheist. This is why many men go hunting, play golf, or spend time alone in
the wilderness. In your conversations, demonstrate admiration for men of
historical character that sought after wisdom; ask questions that require him
to seek such wisdom and tell him how pleased you are when you see him
spending time with Allah. Every man needs a sanctuary in which to meditate,
whether a quiet room or a place outdoors. His desire to be alone is not a
rejection of you but rather a manifestation of his manly need to acquire a
larger perspective, what is commonly called ‘the big picture’. His discussions
with other men sharpen his thinking and teach him how to bear his own
burdens. Be ready to receive his deep concerns, and never assume you are the
cause or are responsible to remove them. Men were created to work under
pressure because this is when leadership is at its’ best.

SIX A man needs a grateful wife.

Ingratitude is a sword that pierces the heart of his manhood. Throw your
expectations into the lap of Allah and not your husband. Expectations
destroy gratitude for the blessings of God in your hand, so be content and
expect nothing, and be genuinely grateful for each little token of your
husband’s love. Material things compete with the weightier matters of spirit
wherein true riches lie. Gratefulness is the basis of happiness and a happy
wife is a crown to her husband, while an unhappy wife is a public rebuke to
him. Be content with little and your joy will increase as the little increases.

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