The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

Hence, we can say that human reproduction is a microcosmic restatement of
the initial ordering of the cosmos from Allah’s created potential for chaos. In
other words, it’s the recapitulation of a miracle.

Deviation from the Natural Order

Deviations within the normal range of natural activity may readily be
restored (redeemed) by man through corrective thought and deed. However,
once chaos takes hold, only God has the power to restore that thing to its
pristine form and function. This implies that laws of maintenance and decay
are inherent as absolute determinants and qualities of Nature’s orderly
arrangement. Man is often helpless in these conditions and may even have
caused or hastened the demise of form or function. This is to say that deviant
behaviors release inherent default potentials causing premature decay,
destruction, and/or degrees of chaos according to pre-determined boundaries
of normal form and function as predetermined by God. Al’Qur’an appears to
attest that this transgression of bounds equates with ‘evil’ and that ‘evil’
equates with falsehood:

But if it gets known that these two were guilty of the sin (of perjury), let two others
stand forth in their places―nearest in kin from among those who claim a lawful
right:^ let them swear by Allah: “We affirm that our witness is truer than that of
those two, and that we have not trespassed (beyond the truth): if we did, behold!
the wrong (evil or harm) be upon us!” (Q. 5: 107)

“Go you to Pharaoh,^ for he has indeed transgressed all bounds.” (Q. 20: 24)

When the deeds of men exceed natural limits by poisoning the water with
mercury for example, no doctor on earth can avoid or heal the distortion of
form and function in any creature conceived under the excess influence of
this toxic metal. Health simply cannot be restored except by virtue of a
miracle. Man is trapped with the cost of caring for the chaos he created, and
only then does he cry to heaven for relief and redemption (restoration) of the
natural taqua or ‘truth’ that lay at ‘rest’ ( as-Sakkinah ) within the pre-
determined limits. Man thus becomes ensnared by the chaos he released, and
often cries to heaven for redemption (restoration) of the natural taqua or

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