The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

automatic in both mind and body.^51 This autonomous reaction is an instinct
to mate and reproduce. It involuntarily rises to the surface of his
consciousness like a wave to which he must respond according to discipline
or lack thereof; which is why ‘the first glance is permitted’ according to
Islamic etiquette. The higher his level of testosterone and vigor, the more
potent is this physiological call in response to the stimulus of feminine
beauty. So strong is the reaction that his primal instinct can and will distract
a man to degrees that disable him from concentrating on other work or
thought. This is the reality that confronts both Muslim and Muslimah on the
path to virtue, and is the chief reason the chaste Muslimah is veiled.
Furthermore, men with higher testosterone levels – who also tend to be
successful competitors (aggressors) – have a more potent response and
corresponding sex drive.

Men do not multi-tract their thoughts as do women. Their brain is designed
to concentrate on one thing at a time; the so-called ‘one tract mind’. This is
why men do not like to be interrupted when working, reading a newspaper or
even watching TV. Men are superior concentrators who focus on goal
oriented problem-solving thought; this differentiates them from the feminine
capacity for integrated multi-level thought processes that often run in endless
cycles; a phenomenon that men find irritating at times but which
complements his capable decision making abilities. Therefore, in problem
solving self-debate or councils that exclude data processed by the feminine
mind regarding socio-political matters, man’s singular conclusions may be
inaccurate and hence detrimental to the welfare of those given to his
authority. This is the chief reason the Prophet listened to his wives when they
voiced their many concerns to the dismay of Islam’s primal chauvinist, Hadrat

Under conditions of sexual stimulation the soul is literally forced to respond.
The virtuous man may be able to quell the body’s urge or simply call his wife
to bed in order to relieve the urging of powerful hormonal tides. With this in

The very sight of an attractive woman immediately stimulates the production of endorphins,
chemicals that cause pleasure in the brain. Endorphins are a natural morphine like chemical
produced as the result of many activities, including physical sports. It is responsible for the
honeymoon effect that typically lasts for about two years, after which it is replaced by the
potent chemical, oxytocin, that provides a sense of cozy comfort even if less excitement. Sex
addicts are addicted to the effects of endorphins.

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