The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

subconsciously concerned. Hence, the saying: “hell hath no fury like a
woman scorned.”

Man, lacking inherent feminine gentleness, both requires and seeks it out
through marriage as a restraint that hinders his tendency towards merciless
tyranny and indifference towards social welfare. To the contrary, the woman
lacks his firmness and requires his masculine power of restraint to better
order the limits of her ruminations. Masculine weaknesses include his
inability to readily perceive the immediate needs of those close to him. In
addition, his unwillingness to admit failure, error or loss of control causes no
end of social injustice. Here, the pious woman acts as a mirror to hold him in
check and keep him humble. She also reveals obstacles at his feet over which
he might stumble as he looks upon future horizons.

A man may ignore the wisdom of his wife out of fear he might lose face
(control). Under such a man, immediate needs are often ignored completely
or taken lightly so that wife and children are repressed or even oppressed.
Nevertheless, Islam’s deen requires forthright frankness and criticism
especially in marriage. These virtues serve truth and were certainly manifest
by the wives of the Prophets much to Hadrat Umar’s chagrin; especially with
Aisha and Umm Salama. Under repression or oppression, household
harmony becomes subject to undercurrents of discord because the feminine
skills of observation and communion are sacrificed for the sake of male
dominance (ego) and his compartmentalized goal achievements which
masquerade as dignitas. This is neither Tawhid nor Islam.

Islam subjects the woman’s gifts to her husband’s goal-oriented scrutiny and
decision making process (governance), so that social harmony and egalitarian
distributions of goods and services are achieved in a balanced manner. The
ideal in Islam is for the man to acknowledge the woman‘s counsel and
implement her valid recommendations in his position as imam. If not, he
discards half of the wisdom Allah presents through his wife and subsequently
resorts to behaviors that are barely a step above unredeemed animal instincts;
another reason women often refer to men as animals.

The West is trying to compensate for the lack of marital taqua (balance) by
feminizing the male and masculinzing the female; thus creating the
androgynous ‘ideal human’ of Kabbalist and sundry pagan Mystery religions

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