The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

127; 24:3, 27, 32, 33, 60 & 127; Sura 33: 49 & 50. Using the phallic “N” word,
Nikah, is therefore similar to using the “F” word [which originally meant war].
I think it is safe to say that its use enforces the concept that a wife's primary
role is that of a sex object created by Allah SWT for the sole purpose of
satisfying the husband's sexual appetites. In other words, its literal use is akin
to saying: “I am getting F----ed or sexually conjugated tomorrow” instead of “I
am getting joined to a woman in holy matrimony tomorrow.” Marriage, the
word in English by the way, literally means to “join together” or “combine
harmoniously” according to the Oxford Dons.

The word Nikah ‘literally’ refers to the physical play of male and female
genitals in addition to little more than in vivo fertilization attempts. Of
course you can stretch it romantically by means of the intertwining
connotations stated above, but the irrepressible vulgar connotations still
govern the essence of its use. It is hardly tawhidic in scope and represents a
reductionist approach to the science of matrimony. Therefore, it appears to
me – as devil’s advocate and an outsider of course – that religious do-gooders
amongst variegated misogynist cultures duly ritualized the word as a legal
contract covering the sale of their daughter’s sexual service as long as the
purchaser houses, feeds, clothes and desires to keep using her. Certainly I’m
overstating the case of its usage, even with the adjective misogynist, but the
implications are there and the question remains: Is this all there is to Nikah?
The essential answer is, unfortunately, “yes” in the minds of far too many
Muslim men; that is, if you judge by attitudes, behavior and the endless trails
of broken homes, abused women, children and abandoned charges. But this
only partially explains the degradation of Muslim marital relations and

The power of a word to affect physical reality is well known amongst
Hermeticists who use their terms accurately and according to clear
definitions in order to obtain the desired magickal result, which is always a
manipulation of reality that avoids the natural norm. Well, it seems the
cunning fools who decided on Nikah Contracts instead of Zawaj Covenants
have achieved the goal of Islam’s deviant reformation and gender war of
division war described above, and have thus created the two largest sects
extant amongst Muslims: i.e., the male and female sects. Muslims seem to be
freely signing the contracts repeatedly and even take great pride in tearing
them up in the hunt for serial Nikah trophies.

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