The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
tion, are much more damaged along the upper margin, possibly because of fungal decay asso-
ciated with the accumulation of dust and the condensation of moisture.
35 In exceptional cases, a longitudinal distortion (bow) that increases as the MC of the wood
decreases may be produced in the panel by forces exerted by the crossbeam along the panel’s
length (Allegretti et al. 1995).
36 The terms crossbeamand battenare synonymous. Bomford and coworkers use the term cross-
batten(Bomford et al. 1989).
37 A few examples include Giotto’s Maestà and Crocifisso di Santa Maria Novella and Cimabue’s
Maestà,which still show the remains of red color; in the case of the latter, the red color rem-
nants (possibly an earth pigment) were instrumental for reconstructing the size and location of
the no-longer-existing cradle. Another example is Leonardo’s Adorazione dei Magi, which is
coated so thickly with white lead on the back face that an X-ray inspection of the artwork
proved impossible (Baldini 1992b).

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