The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
The author’s particular gratitude goes to Miguel Angel Corzo, Marta de la
Torre, and Kathleen Dardes for making this conference possible. He is also
grateful to Giovanni Marussich and Renzo Turchi for their invaluable help
and inspiration throughout many years of their work together in Florence
and at the J. Paul Getty Museum. He would also like to thank Giorgio
Bonsanti, superintendent of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, and Marco
Ciatti, director of the Restoration Laboratories at the Fortezza da Basso,
for their generous support. Additionally, he would like to thank his col-
leagues Ciro Castelli, of the Fortezza, and George Bisacca, of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, conservation studios, for their
professional collaboration.

1 Vinavil NPC, Stella Bianca, is a nonionic dispersion of a medium plasticized polyvinyl acetate
emulsion in water (see Materials and Suppliers).
2 Mansonia altissima;the tree comes from the rain forests of Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria.
The sapwood has characteristics similar to those of the heartwood; the heartwood, which is
slightly toxic, is most often used.

Vinavil NPC, Stella Bianca,Eni-Chem Synthesis, Italy.

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Materials and Suppliers



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