The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
9 Millar 1960:191: “alta piturs dat er mended aufflat dat wer [extremely?] spijl and pilt auffvrom
de bord and wor et and roten so dat auffsom War but left te bord Was most all tu bi taken
awar als ju M partlij knowes” (Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Ashmole 1514, fol. 193).
10 Shearman 1983, cat. 181:178; Millar 1960:191: “[auffstanding in a Warm rom?] itm da pis auff
our ladi auffold palmo Wraffde bord Was Warp and Krack and Woren tin and muz [out of ?]
fram Was set opan a new streng bord terfor and in guldit new fram terfor 3 pant.”
11 Shearman (1983, cat. 181:179–80) records that the original panel, measuring 60 3 81.1 cm, was
thinned to 0.4 cm. The oak panel affixed to the back measured approximately 0.7 cm.
12 Millar 1960:191: “item de [excellent?] Womans had inde kabinet auffbeling Wij Was holij rint
and pilt auffin a manner als if Eij taught it to hauffbin posibel tu bi mendis terfor 4 pant.”
13 See Trevor-Roper 1993:277; Talley (1981:203) quotes Symonds’s account of Lanier’s experiences
of cleaning these paintings.
14 Plenderlieth 1933. The conference papers were published in Mouseion (1931) 15:13–16.

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