The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
with crossbars that slide within cleats equipped with rollers; this method
was devised in 1971 for Titian’s Le Couronnement d’épinesand is still in use.
When the original elements are across the grain, a mobile frame-
work based on the principle of elongated holes can be used. Examples
of this technique can be found in the frames of several paintings in the
Campana Collection which have been maintained like this since 1967.
Sometimes precious original tenons, even across the grain, can be
preserved, as seen in the treatment of the Pietàby Enguerrand Quarton in
the Louvre. The 1977 intervention on this panel was very extensive and
exceptionally difficult, but it could be carried out because René Perche was
still with the Huot studio at the time. Since Perche was due to retire, hesi-
tations were overcome, and the decision was made to restore the support
of thePietà,which had been at risk for some time, so as to take advantage
ofPerche’s extraordinary ability. The work required the preservation of
original tenons across the grain of the boards and through four pegs; all
these were preserved as elements of the original fifteenth-century joining
work.^75 This intervention was Perche’s last museum work.
Examples of minimal intervention—typified by the relinquishing
ofbackings and the increased role of frames—can also be seen in the
treatment of Tarascon’s Pietà,treated in 1974, in the Musée Cluny, and in

W P S: T H Y  H  F 279

Figure 14
Cima da Conegliano, La Vierge et l’Enfant. The
perimetric support, preserving the acquired
curve of the painting, consists of a brass
frame shaped to follow the contour of the
panel. The frame is attached to the acrylic
support plate by means of an L-shaped fitting.
Felt lines the inner part of the metal frame
that adjoins the painting.

Figure 15a, b
Ombrie, La Dormition et l’Assomption de la
Vierge,fifteenth century. Reverse. Musée du
Petit-Palais (MI 453), Avignon. Mobile backing
shaped to a panel with retaining cleats (a). In
the Altuglass plate, a cavity is made slightly
wider than the size of the small wooden cleat
(b) glued to the panel. Fixed by avery short
screw, the cleat holds a brass disk whose edges
rest on the resin plate and secure the Altuglass
to the panel.


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