The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
The advantage of this structure is that it allows the relief to move freely in
all directions within the frame. The attachments for hanging were affixed
tothe back of the frame and not, as previously, on the cradling. Finally,
the surface of the relief was cleaned, and the old repairs, putty fillings, and
gaps were reintegrated with watercolor.
The restoration was completed on 5 May 1982 and has been
inspected regularly since then. It remains in good condition.

Ethyl cellulose glue (N 50),Hercules Inc., 910 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19899.
Keimfix,Keim Leim AG. and Co., Mechternstr. 57, 5000 Cologne 30, Germany.
Lascaux 443-95 adhesive wax,A. K. Diethelm AG, Ch 8306 Brüttisellen, Germany.
Paraloid B72 (in U.S., Acryloid B72), Rohn and Haas Co., Independence Mall West,
Philadelphia,PA 19105.

Eckhardt, Wolfgang
1982 Erwerbungen für die europäischen Sammlungen in den Jahren 1980–81. Jahrbuch des
Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg1:144–46.

Marette, J.
1961 Connaissance des primitifs par l’étude du bois. Paris: Picard.

Sprinz, Heiner
1925 Die Bildwerke der Fürstlichen Hohenzollernschen Sammlung Sigmaringen. OJS 77:23.


Materials and Suppliers

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