The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
Miguel Angel Corzo vii Foreword
John Walsh

Kathleen Dardes ix Preface
Andrea Rothe

David Bomford xiii Introduction: Keynote Address


Wood Science and Technology

R. BruceHoadley 2 Chemical and Physical Properties ofWood

R. Bruce Hoadley 21 Identification of Wood in Painting Panels

Peter Klein 39 Dendrochronological Analyses of Panel Paintings

Robert A. Blanchette 55 A Guide to Wood Deterioration Caused by
Microorganisms and Insects

Gordon Hanlon 69 Modified Atmosphere Treatments of Insect Infestations
Vinod Daniel

Donald C. Williams 79 A Survey of Adhesives for Wood Conservation

Arno P. Schniewind 87 Consolidation ofWooden Panels


History of Panel-Making Techniques

Luca Uzielli 110 Historical Overview of Panel-Making Techniques in
Central Italy

Zahira Véliz 136 Wooden Panels and Their Preparation for Painting from
the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century in Spain

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