The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
Calculating batten flexibility
To calculate the required flexibility of a batten for restraint, it is necessary
to know what bending force will be exerted against it by the panel. When
environmental conditions alter, moisture transference in the panel structure
generates internal forces. This bending force will produce pressure against
anything that restrains the panel from changing its curvature. It is possible
to measure empirically how much resistance is necessary to counteract this
change, but with a fragile panel, there is the risk that it may fracture before
any relevant information is obtained. It is not possible to predict the resis-
tance to bending that a weak panel will withstand before it fails; therefore,
some other means of assessing a loading figure for the batten needs to be
found. This can be done by considering reinforcement rather than restraint.
For simplicity, the calculation example that follows is based on a
batten supported at its center treated as a cantilever, with a fraction of the
panel weight used as the load figure (Fig. 4). (This concept will be
explained more fully in the section below entitled “Evaluation of batten
For a cantilever, the deflection (D) at the end under a single point
load is given by the equation:

where: D 5 deflection; W 5 load; L 5 length ofcantilever;E 5 modulus
of elasticity;^3 and I 5 moment ofinertia.
Example. The following is a calculation of the thickness of the
battens that will support the weight ofa panel horizontally within a
known deflection. All other factors have been specified, including the
number, length, and width ofthe battens and what is considered to be a
safe limit of deflection of the panel.

Deflection (∆) 30 mm
Panel weight 22 kg
Number of battens 10 Load at each end of each batten 5 1.1 kg
Therefore, W 5 1.1 3 9.80665 5 10.787
Length of batten 1200 mm
Cantilever length (L) 600 mm
Width ofbatten (b) 50 mm
Modulus of elasticity for Sitka spruce,
E 5 11100.6 n mm^22

T D   F A A S 387







Figure 4
Diagram of a cantilever deflected by point
load at end. W 5 load; L 5 length of

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