The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1

26 Hoadley

Table 1 Selected woods found in painted panels. Generic designations of woods are followed by
examples of the more common European species.
Common name Scientific name Figures
Fir Abiesspp. 7, 9c
silver fir A.alba
Larch Larix spp. 6, 10b
European larch L.decidua
Spruce Piceaspp. 5, 8, 9b, 10a
Norway spruce, P. abies
European spruce,
Pine Pinusspp.
Scots pine P. sylvestris 1a, 4, 9a
Maple Acerspp. 1c, 19, 26b, 27d, 27e
field maple A. campestre
Norway maple A. platanoides
sycamore, great maple A.pseudoplatanus
Alder Alnusspp. 18, 24a, 25b
common alder, A.glutinosa
black alder,
European alder
gray alder A. incana
Chestnut Castaneaspp. 12
sweet chestnut, C. sativa
European chestnut
Beech Fagusspp. 17, 27f
European beech F. sylvatica
Ash Fraxinusspp. 1b, 13
European ash F. excelsior
Walnut Juglansspp. 15
European walnut J. regia
Poplar Populus spp. 2b, 23, 24b, 25a, 27a, 28a
white poplar P. alba
black Italian poplar P. canadensis
var. serotina
black poplar P. nigra
European aspen P. tremula
Cherry Prunusspp. 20, 26c
European cherry, P. avium
wild cherry
Pear Pyrusspp. 21
common pear P. communis
Oak Quercus spp. 11
Turkey oak Q. cerris
holly oak, holm oak Q. ilex
sessile oak, durmast oak Q. petraea
pubescent oak, white oak Q. pubescens
common oak, pedunculate oak Q. robur
Willow Salix spp. 28b
white willow S. alba
Mahogany Swieteniaspp. 16, 25c, 27b, 29
Central American mahogany S. macrophylla
Lime Tiliaspp. 22, 26a, 27c
small-leaved lime T. cordata
large-leaved lime T. platyphyllos
European lime T. vulgaris
Elm Ulmusspp.1 4
smooth-leaved elm U. carpinifolia
wych elm U. glabra
Dutch elm U. hollandica
var. hollandica
English elm U. procera
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