The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1

Dowelled Planks Splits
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Dowelled Planks Splits
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planks joined parallel to the longer edge, decreasing the work necessary
for assembly.^13 The Visitation^14 by Tommaso Manzuoli (Keith 1994) and the
Transfigurationby Raphael are both large by any standard. Most of the ver-
tical planks ofthe Manzuoli are extended and consist of two planks joined
end to end. In contrast, the planks of the Raphael are remarkably long,
and they are not extended.
Large panels in portrait format with horizontally disposed planks
are more prone to structural problems. Greater and more concentrated
weight and greater warp movement provoke damage. For example, a
largepanel by Vittore Carpaccio,^15 though still ofapproximately original

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