The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
A R S   D P  G 489

Figure 14a, b
Reverse of panel 9–10 top. The deteriorated
board has been removed, and the remaining
nails piercing the matrix sections have been
straightened (a). The Xradiograph (b) reveals
the extensive stucco fills, which, combined
with the deterioration, were the main reason
for the removal of the board.

Figure 12
Panel 9–10 top. The panel has been pho-
tographed on one of the specially designed
project worktables. The working surface of
the tables can be tilted vertical (as shown) to
allow proper viewing of the work in progress.

Figure 13
Reverse of panel 9–10 top. The second board
from the bottom was too deteriorated to pro-
vide adequate support.

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