The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
Regarding the paintings ofHieronymus Bosch, it is obvious that
the dendrochronological analysis can differ between the original by Bosch
and the later copies by his followers. The analysis of paintings with the
same subject, the Mocking of Christ (Fig. 8), shows clearly that the two
paintings in Philadelphia (inv. nos. 352, 353) were created in the 1560s. The
felling dates of the painting panels in Frankfurt and Indianapolis lead to
attributions in the lifetime of Bosch; nevertheless, a decision about an
original can be finalized only by acritique ofstyle.
Another example, shown in Figure 9, demonstrates that the copy
of the Garden of Earthly Delightswas painted in the middle of the sixteenth
century, while the felling date for the original in Madrid corresponds with
the art-historical attribution.
In the first half of the seventeenth century, the Dutch and Flemish
painters used Baltic oak wood, but the Second Swedish-Polish War
(1655–60) caused the total breakdown of the Hansa trade. Thus, Baltic
timber is never found in panels made after 1650; oak boards from the
forests in western Germany and the Netherlands were used instead. Tropical
wood was seldom used in the seventeenth century; only in Rembrandt’s
workshop have different tropical wood species been identified (Table 4).
Dendrochronological analysis can prove that some boards origi-
nated from the same tree. Figure 10 shows, for example, five boards with
an identical growth-ring structure. Furthermore, these boards have specific
characteristics because they were cut offthrough the center of the tree

46 Klein

Hi er onym us Bosc h and Followe rs
Mocki ngof Chri st

14 68


C. E.



Same tree

Ba lt ic oak

130 0 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 16 00

FFM 1577 — bo ard II

FFM 1577 — board II I

IUM C 10006 — bo ard I

IUM C 10006 — bo ard II

PHI 353 — bo ard I

PHI 353 — boa rd II

PHI 35 2 — board I

PHI 352 — boa rd II

Figure 8
Dendrochronological analyses of oak panels
ofHieronymus Bosch (Frankfurt and
Indianapolis) and followers (Philadelphia),
with the same subject, the Mocking of Christ.
(FFM 5 Städelsches Kunstinstitut und
Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt; IUM 5
Indianapolis Museum of Art; PHI 5
Philadelphia Museum of Art.)

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