panels ofthe cycle Gray Passion(Coll. Fürstenberg, Donaueschingen)
created by Hans Holbein the Elder, as well as some boards from some
altarpieces created by Hungarian masters (Fig. 14).
Fir wood
The fir chronology was used to date the following samples (Fig. 15).
Thepanel Maria Gravidaby the Master from Vienna contains six boards;
the last ring indicates the year 1420. The art-historical attribution places
the work between 1410 and 1430. When the seasoning time of the wood is
considered, dendrochronology makes possible a more precise attribution
of the panel to the mid-1420s. For the painting by a Hungarian master
with an art-historical attribution of about 1490, the dendrochronological
dating confirms the attribution, since the last growth ring is determined
tobe from 1472.
Alarge number of chronologies are available for several regions and time
Conclusion periods for the analysis of oak wood used for panels and carvings. Even so,
50 Klein
Lucas Cranach the Elder
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550
Martin Luther — HBR
Cardinal Albrecht III
Apollo and Diana III
Judgment of Paris —KA 109
Katharina von Bora — HBR
Cardinal Albrecht —B 589I
Faun — DON 97
Martin Luther III
Margravine Hedwig —CHI1938.310 II
Lucretia — HES
Apollo and Diana II
Martin Luther —DAGK 73
Apollo and Diana —B 564I
Katharina von Bora — GOT 58
Martin Luther — OL 52 I
Cardinal Albrecht II
Georg — PHI 139 II
Johann — WEI G6 III
Figure 12
Dendrochronological analyses of beech panels
ofLucas Cranach the Elder (all panels are
made from the same tree). (B 5 Staatliche
Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz,
Gemäldegalerie; CHI 5 Art Institute of
Chicago; DA 5 Hessisches Landesmuseum,
Darmstadt; DON 5 Coll. Fürstenberg,
Donaueschingen; GOT 5 Schlossmuseum,
Gotha; HBR 5 Roseliushaus, Bremen; HES 5
Sinebrychoffin Taidekokoelmat, Helsinki;
KA 5 Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe;
OL 5 Landesmuseum für Kunst und
Kulturgeschichte, Oldenburg; PHI 5
Philadelphia Museum of Art; WEI 5
Schlossmuseum, Weimar.)