Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Cacciari, C., and M. Levorato (1989) ‘‘How Children Understand Idioms in Discourse,’’Journal of
Child Language16, 387–405.
Cacciari, C., and P. Tabossi (1988) ‘‘The Comprehension of Idioms,’’Journal of Memory and Language
27, 668–683.
Cacciari, C., and P. Tabossi, eds. (1993)Idioms :Processing. Structure, and Interpretation,Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Chafe, W. (1970)Meaning and the Structure of Language, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Chomsky, N. (1965)Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Chomsky, N. (1980)Rules and Representations, Columbia University Press, New York.
Coulmas, F. (1981) ‘‘Idiomaticity as a Problem of Pragmatics,’’ in H. Parret and M. Sbisa, eds.,Pos-
sibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Amsterdam.
Fillmore, C., P. Kay, and M. O’Connor (1988) ‘‘Regularity and Idiomaticity in Grammatical Con-
structions: The Case ofLet Alone,’’ Language64, 501–538.
Flores d’Arcais, G. (1993) ‘‘The Comprehension and Semantic Interpretation of Idioms,’’ in C. Cac-
ciari and P. Tabossi, eds.,Idioms :Processing, Structure, and Interpretation,LawrenceErlbaum
Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Fraser, B. (1970) ‘‘Idioms Within a Transformational Grammar,’’Foundations of Language6, 22–42.
Gibbs, R. (1980) ‘‘Spilling the Beans on Understanding and Memory for Idioms in Conversation,’’
Memory and Cognition8, 449–456.
Gibbs, R. (1984) ‘‘Literal Meaning and Psychological Theory,’’Cognitive Science8, 275–304.
Gibbs, R. (1985) ‘‘On the Process of Understanding Idioms,’’Journal of Psycholinguistic Research14,
Gibbs, R. (1986) ‘‘Skating on Thin Ice: Literal Meaning and Understanding Idioms in Conversation,’’
Discourse Processes9, 17–30.
Gibbs, R. (1987) ‘‘Linguistic Factors in Children’s Understanding of Idioms,’’Journal of Child Lan-
guage14, 569–586.
Gibbs, R. (1989) ‘‘Understanding and Literal Meaning,’’Cognitive Science13, 243–251.
Gibbs, R. (1991) ‘‘Semantic Analyzability in Children’s Understanding of Idioms,’’Journal of Speech
and Hearing Research34, 613–620.
Gibbs, R. (1992) ‘‘What Do Idioms Really Mean?’’Journal of Memory and Language31, 385–406.
Gibbs, R. (1993) ‘‘Why Idioms Are Not Dead Metaphors,’’ in C. Cacciari and P. Tabossi, eds.,Idioms:
Processing, Structure, and Interpretation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Gibbs, R. (1994)The Poetics of Mind :Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding, Cambridge
University Press, New York.
Gibbs, R. (1996) ‘‘What’s Cognitive about Cognitive Linguistics?’’ in G. Casad, ed.,Cognitive Lin-
guistics in the Redwoods, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Gibbs, R., D. Buchalter, J. Moise, and W. Farrar (1993) ‘‘Literal Meaning and Figurative Language,’’
Discourse Processes16, 387–404.
Gibbs, R. and S. Nascimento (1994) ‘‘How We Talk When We Talk About Love: Metaphorical Con-
cepts and Understanding Love Poetry,’’ in R. Kreuz and M. MacNealy, eds.,Empirical and
Aesthetic Approaches to Literature, Ablex, Norwood, New Jersey.
Gibbs, R. and N. Nayak (1989) ‘‘Psycholinguistic Studies on the Syntactic Behavior of Idioms,’’
Cognitive Psychology21, 100–138.
Gibbs, R. and N. Nayak (1991) ‘‘Why Idioms Mean What They Do,’’JournalofExperimentalPsychol-
ogy :General120, 93–95.
Gibbs, R., N. Nayak, J. Bolton, and M. Keppel (1989) ‘‘Speakers’ Assumptions About the Lexical
Flexibility of Idioms,’’Memory & Cognition17, 58–68.
Gibbs, R., N. Nayak, and C. Cutting (1989) ‘‘How To Kick the Bucket and Not Decompose: Ana-
lyzability and Idiom Processing,’’Journal of Memory and Language28, 576–593.
Gibbs, R. and J. O’Brien (1990) ‘‘Idioms and Mental Imagery: The Metaphorical Motivation for
Idiomatic Meaning,’’Cognition36, 35–68.
Glucksberg, S. (1993) ‘‘Idiom Meanings and Allusional Content,’’ in C. Cacciari and P. Tabossi, eds.,
Idioms :Processing, Structure, Interpretation,LawrenceErlbaumAssociates,Hillsdale,New
Glucksberg, S., M. Brown, and M. McGlone (1993) ‘‘Conceptual Metaphors Are Not Automatically
Accessed During Idiom Comprehension,’’Memory & Cognition21, 711–719.
Goossens, L. (1990) ‘‘Metaphtonymy: The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions
for Linguistic Action,’’Cognitive Linguistics1, 323–340.

748 Raymond W. Gibbs Jr.

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