Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

(Nora) #1

73 For the variety of combat games among one West African ethnic group, the Hausa, see E.L.Powe, Combat
Games of Northern Nigeria (Madison, WI: Dan Aiki Publications, 1994).
74 For stick fighting in South Africa, see E.L.Powe, African Arts of Stick-fighting. Part I, Northern Nguni (Madison,
WI: Dan Aiki Publications, 2002); Marié-Heleen Coetzee, ‘Zulu Stick Fighting: A Socio-Historical Overview’,
InYo: Journal of Alternative Perspectives (September 2002),
75 For combat games practised in a war society in southeastern Nigeria, see ‘J.Salmons, Martial Arts of the
Annang’, African Arts, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1985), pp. 57–62.
76 Sigrid Paul: ‘The Wrestling Tradition and Its Social Functions’, in J.W.Baker and J.A.Mangan, (eds), Sport in
Africa. Essays in Social History (New York: Africana, 1987), pp. 26–31.
77 Dr Charles Gore (Open University), personal communication.
78 J.Blacking, ‘Games and Sport in Pre-Colonial African Societies’, in Baker and Mangan, Sport in Africa, p. 5.
79 P.E.H.Hair (ed.), An interim and makeshift edition of André Álvares de Almada’s Brief Treatise of the Rivers of
Guinea, being an English translation of a variorum text of Tratado breve dos Rios de Guiné (c.1594) organised
by the late Avelino Teixeira da Mota (Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 1984) Vol. 1, p. 16. I am very grateful
to Dr José Horta (Universidade de Lisboa) for providing me with this precious reference from his own research.
80 A.Badji, N.Nlong, F.Rubio, Manuel de Lutte Africaine (Dakar: Conférence des Ministres de la Jeunesse et des
Sports des Pays d’Expression Française, 1990), Vol. I, p. 9.
81 P.Edwards (ed.), The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African, Written by himself (London:
Longman, 1995), p. 20.
82 For Igbo wrestling see G.T.Basden, Among the Ibos of Nigeria (1st edn, 1921; London: Frank Cass, 1966),
pp. 129–30; and T.J.Desch-Obi, ‘Engolo: Combat Traditions in African and African Diaspora History’ (PhD
Thesis in History, University of California, Los Angeles, 2000), pp. 90–124.
83 J.Blacking, ‘Games and Sports’, p. 8.
84 See for instance P.Coêlho de Araújo, Abordagens sócio-antropológicas da luta/jogo da capoeira. De uma
actividade guerreira para uma actividade lúdica (Maia: Instituto Superior da Maia, 1997).
85 C.Beckwith and A.Fisher, AfricanCerimonies. The Concise Edition (New York: H.N.Abrams, 2002), pp. 377–81.
86 Thornton, ‘The Art of War’, pp. 364, 365.
87 Quoted in Thornton, ‘The Art of War’, p. 364.
88 J.A.Cavazzi de Montecúccolo, Descrição histórica dos três reinos Congo, Matamba e Angola (Lisbon: Junta de
Investigações do Ultramar, 1965), Vol. 1, p. 151.
89 [A.] Neves e Souza,...Da minha África e do Brasil que eu vi...(Luanda: n.p., n.d.), p. 57.
90 L.da Câmara Cascudo, Folklore do Brasil (Pesquisas e Notas) (Rio de Janeiro: Fundo de Cultura, 1967),
pp. 182–7. To my knowledge a full version of Neves e Sousa’s letter(s) has never been published. Extracts from
Cascudo are however frequently cited and reproduced. The first extensive quote can be found in Oliveira,
Capoeira, Frevo, Passo (Recife: Companhia Editora de Pernambuco, 1971), pp. 68–9. I suspect many
capoeiristas use only this quote of a quote of a quote in their discussions about capoeira’s origins.
91 Cascudo, Folklore, pp. 182, 184.
92 Cascudo, Folklore, p. 186.
93 Desch-Obi, ‘Engolo’.
94 J.C.Miller, ‘Central Africa during the Era of the Slave Trade’, in Heywood, Central Africans, pp. 46, 82.
95 Castro Henriques, Commerce et changement en Angola au XIX siècle. Imbangala et Tshokwe face à la
modernité (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1995), Vol. 1, p. 182.
96 Desch-Obi, ‘Engolo’, pp. 29–30.
97 C.Estermann, Etnografia do Sudoeste de Angola (Lisbon: Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1956–7), Vol. 2,
p. 31.
98 C.Estermann, Etnografia. An English translation is also available: The Ethnography of Southwestern Angola
(New York: Africana, 1979).
99 Desch-Obi, ‘Engolo’, p. 53.
100 Desch-Obi, ‘Engolo’, p. 54.

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