The Rosedale Diet

(Rick Simeone) #1

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diabetes (continued)
risk of infection in, 138
Rosedale Diet and, 13–14
Rosedale Diet Supplement Plus plan
for, 135
vanadyl sulfate for, 145
diabetes, type 1, 89, 142, 189–192
diabetes, type 2, 4, 21, 31, 40,
132–133, 148, 189–192
cancer and, 33
in children, 55
China study of, 145
clinical studies of, 144–145
dementia and, 33
as epidemic, 61
genesis of, 49
heart disease and, 33
insulin resistance in. See insulin
resistance/insulin sensitivity
kidney failure and, 33
leptin resistance in. See leptin
resistance/leptin sensitivity
obesity and, 55
Rosedale Rx for, 191–192
standard treatment for, 190–191
U.S. incidence of, 32–33
vitamin E for, 140
diabetic retinopathy, 141
diarrhea, 80
diets, dieting, 3–9, 19–21, 26, 41,
132–133, 162
fads in, 7–8
failure of, 34–35
high carbohydrate–low fat, 8–9, 13,
31, 35–36, 186
high protein–low carbohydrate, 8–9,
high-sugar, 138
longevity and, 42–57
pregnancy and, 35
stress from, 38

vitamins and minerals in, 135
vs. genes, 44–46
DNA, damage to, 141, 149
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 66–67,
71, 148


E. coli, 94
eggs, 82, 87, 88
omega-3 enriched, 9
in Rosedale Diet “A” list, 105
See also cooking
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 66–67,
endothelial cells, 148, 151–152
energy production, 141–42
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and,
insulin and, 167–168
mitochondria and, 149–150
zinc and, 144
enzymes, 135
ephedra, 12
epinephrine (adrenaline), 38, 175
estrogen, 56, 93, 154, 187
exercise, 100, 132–133, 134, 152, 160,
aerobic, 163
burning fat from, 19–20, 162
losing weight from, 162
walking and, 163–164


fast food, 98
fat, 7–9, 36
animal diets and, 62
burning of, 6–8, 16–18, 20, 23, 26,

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