The Rosedale Diet

(Rick Simeone) #1



First and foremost, we’d like to thank Toni Sciarra for her superb editing

of this book, and for stepping in and taking over the project in midstream.

We’d also like to thank Nicholas Darrell for all of his help, Megan

Newman for her support and vision, and the wonderful production and

publicity teams at HarperCollins for their hard work. Without all of them,

this book would never have become a reality. Many thanks to Jeremiah

Stamler, M.D., professor emeritus, Department of Preventive Medicine

at Northwestern University Medical School, who encouraged Ron’s in-

terest in the strong relationship between diet and heart disease, and to

Gary Spoleta for his unwavering support for this project. We’d also like

to extend our gratitude to Jena Latham for her fabulous recipes, and

Peggy Dace for all of her help. A special thanks to our agent, Richard

Curtis, who has so ably represented Carol for more than two decades,

and for launching Ron on his career as an author.

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