The Rosedale Diet

(Rick Simeone) #1
Are You Leptin Resistant? Take This Quiz ■^29

  1. Have you been diagnosed with high triglyceride levels?

Yes __ No __

What This Symptom Means. Triglycerides are a fancy medical name for

fat. Your blood level of triglycerides is a measure of the amount of fat

floating around your bloodstream. If your triglycerides are high, you are

either making too much fat or burning too little. Elevated triglycerides

are associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. (I rec-

ommend that everyone have their triglycerides checked at their annual

physical examination. See page 177.) Elevated triglycerides are very

common among overweight and obese people, and are typically a direct

result of eating a high carbohydrate–low fat diet. If you are leptin re-

sistant, you are making and storing excess fat and not burning it, and

therefore are vulnerable to having elevated triglycerides.

  1. Do you have high blood pressure?

Yes __ No__

What This Symptom Means. Leptin resistance can cause hormonal

changes that trigger the production of stress hormones, which can raise

blood pressure. It also causes excess fluid to accumulate, contributing

to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is very common among

people with midline “abdominal” obesity, insulin resistance, high

triglycerides, and who are overweight.

  1. Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis?

Yes __ No__

What This Symptom Means. I bet you’re surprised to see this question

here, but leptin resistance puts you at great risk of osteoporosis, the po-

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