The Rosedale Diet

(Rick Simeone) #1


moth or today allows a grandmother, in the throes of a terrible accident,

to lift a car off her grandchild. Without it, we would not be here today.

The stress response is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system and

it kicks in automatically without your even thinking about it.

When you are exposed to a stressful situation, the adrenal glands,

located on top of the kidneys, begin to pump out stress hormones to

help our bodies cope with immediate danger, and prepare for extreme

exertion. Our blood pressure rises, our hearts beat faster, our blood is

made to clot more easily in the event we are injured, and the flow of

blood is routed from the digestive system to the muscles where it is

needed to fuel our escape or help us hunt. As all of this is happening,

stress hormones called epinephrine (adrenaline) and corticosteroids

send blood sugar levels soaring to provide turbo charging fuel that can

be burned anaerobically, that is, without oxygen. This is fortunate since

under stress and heavy exertion we may not be able to breathe fast

enough to supply sufficient oxygen to burn fat. You burn sugar very

quickly as you run for your life to get away from a chasing tiger. When

the immediate danger and stress are over, you cells should revert back

to fat burning, and your body should get back to normal.

What happens when your body continually uses sugar as its pri-

mary fuel? The resulting leptin resistance will lock you in sugar burning

mode, simulating the “stressed out,” fight-or-flight mode. Even though

you may not know it, your diet becomes one of the biggest “stressors” in

your life, constantly triggering your sympathetic nervous system,

whether or not there is an actual danger or stress. You are constantly in

the “fight-or-flight,” turbo-charged mode and will undergo more and

more wear and tear. You will, as would your car engine if continually

revved, quickly wear out, age, become diseased, and die.

The vicious cycle born from leptin resistance can have a cata-

strophic effect on every organ system in the body, seriously compromis-

ing health. Fat begins to accumulate in places where this should not

happen, such as around the waist or midline. This common condition,

known as midline adiposity or commonly as “the apple shape,” is a ma-

jor cause of insulin resistance. The fat that you can see on your body is

only the tip of the iceberg. The fat that you don’t see can be even more

dangerous. Fat deposits accumulate around and within internal organs

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