The Rosedale Diet

(Rick Simeone) #1


How Much Protein

Should You Eat

Every Day?


n page 207, I list general guidelines on how to estimate how
much protein you should eat daily. However, the best method
to determine your daily protein requirement and to follow your
progress in losing that extra unwanted fat (and, I hope, your
increased development of muscle and bone) is to purchase a
home body fat analyzer. They are available at many depart-
ment stores and have become quite accurate and much more
affordable in recent years. Simply follow the directions to de-
termine your percentage of fat composition and pounds of fat.
There should also be directions to determine your lean mass.
If not, it is quite easy. Subtract your fat weight in pounds from
your total weight to obtain a close approximation of your lean
body mass in pounds. Then, to obtain your daily protein re-
quirement in grams, simply divide your lean body mass in half.
Add approximately 10 grams of protein to your total if you are
a heavy exerciser. (Remember to spread out your protein in-
take throughout the day for most efficient utilization.) I have
used a professional body fat analyzer made by the Tanita cor-
poration in my office for many years and have been very
pleased with its performance. They also produce a home ver-
sion that is quite affordable, and many of my patients who
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