A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1
uncivilized 19, 292, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312,
374, 385, 403;see alsobarbarian, primitive,
universalism/universal law 327, 332, 334,
377, 396

Wunderkammer,seeinstitutions, Museum
xenophobia 373;see alsoracism
zoology 198, 199, 288, 298, 301, 362, 388

Austria: Imperial Academy of Sciences 363
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Academy (1869) 384
Colombia: Academia Colombiana de Historia
(Colombian Academy of History) 287
France: Acade ́mie Celtique 320, 352; Acade ́mie
des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Academy of
Inscriptions and Fine Arts) 53, 235, 236, 265;
Acade ́mie Franc ̧aise (French Academy,
1635) 38; Acade ́mie royale des inscriptions et
me ́dailles (later called Acade ́mie royale des
inscriptions et belles-lettres, shortened in
English as the Academy of Inscriptions,
1663) 38; Academy of Sciences 72
Greece: British Academy in Athens 107
Ireland: Royal Irish Academy 324
Italy: Academia Etrusca 45, 53; Academia Etrusca
of Cortona 45, 53; Academia Platonica 34;
Accademia dei Lincei (Rome, 1603) 38;
Academia PontiWcia di Archeologia to 1740 54;
Academia Ercolanese 47; American Academy in
Rome 107; British Academy in Rome 107; Free
Roman Academy of Archaeology (Libera
Accademia Romana di Archeologia) 334;
Roman Academia de Arqueologia 72
Russia: Academy of Sciences (St Petersburg) 195,
251, 252, 253, 253n, 262, 262n; Academy of
Arts (St Petersburg) 48, 140
Spain: Real Academia de la Historia (Royal
Academy of History) 54
Sweden: Nordic Society for Antiquarianism and
History 395, Academy of Natural Sciences 36
UK: Royal Academy 44

administrative offices and other
committees and commissions:
Algeria: Service de monuments historiques (Service
of Historical Monuments de l’Alge ́rie) 269
AustriaAustrian Central Commission 378
Burma: Department of Archaeology of
Burma 227
Czechia: Czech Archaeological Committee 363
Denmark: Committee for Antiquities
(Oldsagskommisionen) 325; First Kitchen

Midden Commissions (1849–1869) 362;
Second Kitchen Midden Commissions
(1885–1900) 392
Egypt: Commission of Sciences and Arts 74;
Committee for the Conservation of
Monuments of Arab Art 124
France: Commission of Historical
Monuments 267; Committee of Public
Instruction 320; General Inspector of
Antiquities 357
Germany: Reichslimeskommision (RLK, the
Imperial Commission for the Study of the
Roman Frontier) 390; Ro ̈misch-Germanische
Kommission (RGK) 359, 390
Greece: Archaeological Service 85–6, 104;
Archaeological Service of the Eastern Army in
Macedonia 85n
Hungary: Hungarian Commission for
Monuments 378
India:ArchaeologicalSurveyofIndia:(ASI) 225–9,
239, 242–3, 247, 270; Civil Service of India 299
Indochina: Directorate of Museums and
Historical Monuments of Indochina 231; E ́cole
Franc ̧aise Extre`me-Orient in Hanoi (EFEO,
includes Mission arche ́ologique) 18, 221, 227,
231, 234, 242; Service ge ́ologique de l’Indochine
(Indochina Geological Service) 294
Indonesia: Antiquities Commission
(Oudheidkundige Commissie)(1901) 243;
Antiquities Service (Oudheidkundigen
Dienst) 221; Archaeological Service 295;
Commission of the Netherlands Indies for
Archaeological Research in Java and Madura
(Commissie voor oudheidkundig onderzoek
op Java en Madoera) 221
Iraq: Honorary Director of Antiquities in
Iraq 145n
Italy: Commission des embellissements de la
ville de Rome (Commission for the
improvement of the city of Rome) 72;
PontiWcal Commission for Sacred
Archaeology 104; Russian Commission of
Archaeological Finds in Rome 103;
Sopraintendenza de Archeologia 105
Mexico: Artistic, Literary and ScientiWc
Commission (Mexico) 175, 175n; Antiquities

Index 469
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