A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Council (Junta de Antigu ̈edades) 90;
Inspeccio ́n y Conservacio ́n de Monumentos
Arqueolo ́gicos de la Repu ́blica Mexicana (the
oYce for the inspection and conservation of
Archaeological Monuments in Mexico) 182
Morocco: Junta Central de Monumentos (Central
Service of Monuments) 269; Service of
Antiquities, Fine Arts and Historical
Monuments 269
Norway: Antiquities Commission 325
Peru: Junta Conservadora (Preservation
Committee) 184
Russia: Archeographical Commission 256;
Imperial Archaeological Commission 256V,
262, 358
Siam: Fine Arts Department (1924) 239
Tunisia: Commission of North Africa
(Comission de l’Afrique du Nord) 169;
Committee for Historical Studies 269;
Inspection Ge ́ne ́rale des Monuments
Historiques et des Muse ́es Arche ́ologiques (the
state Service for Monuments and
Archaeological Museums) 247, 267; Service of
Antiquities (Service des antiquite ́s
tunisiennes) 269
Turkey: Commission for the Protection of
Antiquities 118
UK: Ancient Monument Boards for England,
Scotland and Wales 227
USA: Bureau of Ethnology and the National
Museum 286; Smithsonian 286
Zimbabwe: Legislative Council of Southern
Rhodesia 306

France: Royal Archives 334
Germany: Imperial Archive in Bavaria 272
SwedenArchive of Antiquities 36

International: Berlin Conference of 1884–85
(includes Congress of Berlin, Berlin Congo
Conference) 180, 210, 213, 272, 281; Congress
of Vienna (1815) (includes Treaty of
Vienna) 70, 79, 94, 214, 218, 328, 339; Paris
Colonial Congress 212

Britain: Canterbury congress (1844) 363, 381
Czechia: Czech anthropological-archaeological
conferences (Prague, 1880 and 1882) 381
France: Congre`s Arche ́ologique de la France 344
Germany: German Anthropological Society
Congress 380, 381

International: International Congress of
Americanists 175, 177, 183; International
Congress of Anthropological Sciences (Paris,
1878) 288; International Congress of Far
Eastern Studies (1st, Hanoi, 1902) 235;
International Congress of Orientalists 195, 300;
International Congress of Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Sciences (Congre`s international des
sciences pre ́historiques et protohistoriques,
CISPP) 106;CongressinternationalInternational
Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and
Archaeology (Congre`s International
d’anthropologie et d’arche ́ologie pre ́historique,
CIAAP) 202n, 380, 381, 389; International
Palaeo-ethnological Congress 380n; Slavic
congress 341, 381–2
Italy: Italian Society of Natural Sciences 202n,
Russia: Russian Archaeological Congress 381,
383; All-Russian Archaeological Congress
(4th) 283; Slavic congress (Moscow, 1867) 382

Colonial exhibition: Belgium: Belgian Central
African Geological Exhibition 305;Britain:
Colonial and Indian Exhibition (1886) 300;
France: Colonial Exhibition (1900) 221;Spain:
American Historical exhibition (1892)
181; Colonial exhibition (Madrid, 1887)
Industrial exhibitions: Ireland: Great Industrial
Exhibition (Dublin, 1853) 362n, 377n
International(includes International Exhibition/
Fair, Universal Exhibition/Fair, World
Exhibition/Fair):Austria- Vienna (1873)
374;Britain: Great Exhibition held at the
Crystal Palace (London, 1851) 362n, 377n;
France– Paris (1867) 175, 374; Paris
(1878, 1889, 1900) 274, 377n; Franco-British
Exhibition (London, 1908) 305;
USA– Chicago World Fair
(1893) 179 Other exhibitions:Japan: 1872
exhibition of ancient pottery and stone tools
in Tokyo 198

Africa: French Gautier and Chudeau mission
(1904–05) 305
Cambodia: Delaporte expedition in Cambodia
(1873) 232–3
Chile: Spanish scientiWc expeditions to Peru and
Chile (1777–88) 56
China: Stein expeditions to China 193–5, 200
Egypt: Champollion expedition
(1828–9) 119–20; Napoleonic Egyptian
expedition (1798–1801) 73V, 175, 255, 266;

470 Index

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