A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Richard Lepsius expedition to Egypt and Nubia
(1842–45) 76, 119–20
Greece: French Expedition of Morea
(1829–30) 85, 255, 266
Indochina: French Mekong valley expedition
(1866–68) 232
Japan: Expedition of Hasekura Tsunenaga
(1571–1622) 187; expedition to
Dunghuang 201
Latin America: Spanish scientiWc Expedition to
the PaciWc and Central and South America
(1777–88) (see Peru).
Mesopotamia: University of Chicago Oriental
Exploration Fund’s expedition to Bismaya 147
Mexico: Alphonse Pinart’s 1878 expedition to
Mesoamerica and the Andean area 175;
Charnay’s expeditions (1857) 174–5 and
(1880–82) 176
Palestine: Lynch’s expedition to the Dead
Sea 149
Persia: Russian Academy of Fine Arts expedition
to Persia (1817–20) 140
Peru: French Alphonse Pinart’s 1878 expedition
to Mesoamerica and the Andean area 175;
Spanish scientiWc expeditions to Peru and
Chile (1777–88) 180; Swedish Expedition to
Chaco (1901–2) 178
Russia: Russian naval expedition to the Russian
Far East (1725–30) 252; Great Northern
Expedition (second expedition to Kamchatka)
(1733–1743) 252; Naval expedition to explore
the Russian Far East (1725–30) 252
Turkey: French expedition to Turkey by Texier
(1833–7) 112, 255
US: French scientiWc expeditions to the US
(including California) and Canada 174, 176n,

foreign schools and funds15, 18, 101, 107,
128, 129, 149, 242
Egypt: Britain- Egypt Exploration Fund (see
Egypt Exploration Society); France - Mission
Arche ́ologique (the French Archaeological
Mission or French School in Cairo) 122,
147; French Institute of Oriental Archaeology
(includes French Institute of Egypt in
Cairo) 62, 122; Institut de l’Egypte (the
Institute of Egypt) 74; Germany- German
Institute for Egyptian Antiquity (Deutsches
Institut fu ̈ra ̈gyptische Altertumskunde) 123
Greece: Austria - O ̈sterreichische Archa ̈ologische
Institut (Austrian Archaeological
Institute) 107, 116; Britain - British School
at Athens 107, 390; France - French
School in Athens 102–3, 107, 109, 270;
Institute of Hellenic Correspondence 109;

Germany - Athens Branch of the German
Archaeological Institute 109; Italy - Italian
Archaeological School at Athens 107; USA -
American School of Classical Studies at
Athens 107
Indochina: see in administrative oYces.
Indonesia: Royal Institute for Linguistics and
Anthropology (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde) (Netherlands) (see also
Journal of Languages and Ethnography of the
Indies) 218;see alsoin administrative oYces
Italy: Austria - Austro-Hungarian Historical
Institute (1891) 107; Britain - British School at
Rome 109; France - French School at
Rome 105, 107, 109, 269; Germany - Istituto di
Corrispondenza Archaeologica (Corresponding
Society for Archaeology) 101–2, 107, 109, 129;
German Archaeological Institute 109; Holland

  • Dutch Institute 107
    MesopotamiaAmerican Schools of Oriental
    Research (ASOR) 147, (155); British School of
    Archaeology 147
    Morocco: Institute des Hautes E ́tudes
    marocaines 275
    PalestineBritain - Palestine Exploration
    Fund 134–5, 150, 152, 154, 164; France - E ́cole
    Pratique d’E ́tudes Bibliques (The Practical
    School of Biblical Studies, shortened to E ́cole
    Biblique) 151, 152; USA - American School for
    Oriental Research in Jerusalem 155
    Tunisia: French Archaeological Institute (failed
    project) 269

institute;see alsoacademy, foreign schools
Brazil: Instituto Histo ́rico, Geogra ́Wco e
Etnogra ́Wco Brasileiro (IHGE, Historic,
Geographic and Ethnographic Institute of
Brazil) 92, 94, 288, 293
Britain: Anthropological Institute of Great
Britain 300; Archaeological Institute of Great
Britain and Ireland 364
Canada: Canadian Institute 289, 290, 291; Nova
Scotian Institute of Natural Science
(Halifax) 289
France: Institute of France 74; National Institute
of Sciences and Arts 320
Germany: German Archaeological Institute 107,
109, 116, 390;see alsoforeign school
Palestine: Deutches Evangelisches Institut fu ̈r
Altertumswissenshaft des Heiligen Landes
(German Evangelical Institute for the
Antiquity of the Holy Land) 135
Peru: Instituto Histo ́rico del Peru ́(Institute for
the History of Peru) 184
Russia: Institute of Oriental Studies of the
Russian Academy of Sciences 262n

Index 471
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