A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

New Zealand: New Zealand Institute 295
US: Archaeological Institute of America 109,
285–6; Carnegie Institution 180; Smithsonian
institution 179, 286, 290

Algeria: Bulletin de correspondence
africaine 270; Chronique arche ́ologique
africaine 270
Argentina: Anales 288; Revista del Museo de La
Plata 288
Austria: Carinthia 363
Britain: Archaeologia 355; Archaeological
Journal 364; Journal of the Anthropological
Institute 300, 304; Journal of the
Anthropological and Ethnological Society of
London 304; Journal of the Cambridgeshire
Antiquarian Society 304; Numismatic Journal
(includes Numismatic Chronicle; Proceedings
of the Numismatic Society of London) 362;
Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 198
Burma: Burma Research Society Bulletin 227
Colombia: Boletı ́n de Historia y
Antigu ̈edades 287
France: Bulletin de la Socie ́te ́Acade ́mique
Franco-Hispano-Portugaise 101; Bulletin
Monumental 344; Journal Asiatique 190;
Journal de la Socie ́te ́des Ame ́ricanistes 176;
Mate ́riaux pour l’Histoire naturelle et
primitive de l’homme 383n; Mate ́riaux pour
l’histoire positive et philosophique 383n;
Normandie 344
Germany: Cimbrisch-Holsteinische Antiquita ̈ten
Remarques 52
Greece: Athenischen Mitteilungen 109; Bulletin
des E ́coles franc ̧aises d’Athenes et de Rome 109; Ephemeris Archaiologiki 86; Journal of Hellenic Studies 107 India: Annual Circle Reports of the Archaeological Survey of India 227; Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 219; Transactions of the Asiatic Society 198, 224 Indochina: Bulletin of the Socie ́te ́des E ́tudes Indochinoises (Saigon, 1865) 234; Excursions et Reconnaissances 234 Indonesia: Journal of Languages and Ethnography of the Indies (Tijdschrift voor Indische taal- land- en volkenkunde) 218; Journal of the Netherlands Indies (Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie ̈) 218 ItalyBulletin des E ́coles franc ̧aises d’Athenes et
de Rome 109
Mexico: Anales del Museo Nacional 182
Morocco: Archives marocaines 275; Revue du
monde musulman 275

Palestine: Exploration Fund Quarterly
Statement 154
South Africa: Transactions of the South African
Philosophical Society Institute 304
Tunisia: Bulletin arche ́ologique 269; Journal of
the Archaeological Society of Constantine 267;
Notes et Documents 269
Turkey:Tu ̈rk Yurdu (Turkish Homeland) 118
USA: American Anthropologist 180;
Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 290

legislation/laws related to antiquities;
see alsoGeneral,law
Algeria: 269
Britain: 270; Ancient Monuments Act
(1882) 227, 379
France: general 270; Decrees that ordered the
destruction of every monument related to the
monarchy and the church (1792, 1793) 319;
Law protecting historical monuments
(1887) 379
Greece: Greek legislation forbidding the exportation
of antiquities (1827) 85, 103, 109, 112
Indonesia: Law of Treasure Trove (1855) 219
India: 287
Italy: Edict of 1624 prohibiting the export of
antiquities 38, 45; Edicts of 1646, 1686, 1701,
1704, 1717 and 1726 45; Roman edict
(1820) 103; legislation organising archaeology
into inspectorates (1887) 379
Japan: Edict of 1871 to protect historical records,
collections and objects, and the opening of
museums 197
Peru: Supreme Decree forbidding the excavation
of Inca huacas (1822) 90
Spain: 1677 council bylaw of the Spanish town of
Me ́rida dictating the preservation of its
archaeological remains 38
Southern Rhodesia: 306
Sweden: Antiquities law of 1666 38; Edict
concerning the protection of antiquities 20
May 1630 38
Tunisia: Decrees of 26 September 1890 and 2
August 1896 269
Turkey: Antiquities law (1884) 114, 159;
Antiquities legislation (1875) 112; Order for
antique works to be collected and brought to
Istanbul (1869) 111

museum;see alsogeneral, catalogue
cabinets of curiosities/ of antiquities / of
mirabilia/ Wunderkammer 36, 37 48, 51,
219 228, 324, 326, 380; cabinet (other) 219,
325, 326n, 328, 359
collection (general) 42

472 Index

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