A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Coote, Henry Charles (1815–1885) 376
Cornelius, H. C. 217
Corte ́s, Herna ́n (1485–1547) 40
Cosimo de Medicis 34
Coulanges, Numa Denis Fustel de
(1830–1889) 350
Cre ́vaux, Jules (1847–1882) 176
Cromer,seeLord Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl
of Cromer
Csoma de Ko ̈ro ̈s, Alexander (Sa ́ndor Koro ̈si
Csoma) (1784–1842) 193
Cunningham,Alexander(1814–1893) 224–9,242
Cunnington, William (1754–1810) 52
Curtius, Ernst (1814–96) 108, 120
Curzon, Viceroy (gov. 1899–1905) 242
Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832) 93

Damrong, Prince (HRH Prince Damrong
Rajanubhab (1862–1943) 238
Daniel, Glyn Edmund (1914–1986) 4, 22, 23, 63,
Dann, Nathan (1782–1844) 196
Davis, Edwin Hamilton (1811–1888) 291
Davis, Joseph Bernard (1801–1881) 349
Davis, Nathan (1812–1882) 265
Dawkins, James (-1757) 156
Dawson, John William (1820–1899) 290
Debenedetti, Salvador (1884–1930) 183, 288
Delamare, Captain Adolphe 266
Delaporte, Louis (1842–1925) 232–3
Delattre, Father Alfred Louis (1850–1932) 270,
d’Elboeuf (Austrian prince) 43–4
Delcasse ́, The ́ophile (1852–1923) 212
Delitzsch, Friedrich (1850–1922) 137, 160
Demidov, AkinWy Nikitich (1678–1745) 36
Demidov, Anatoly Nikolayevich
(1813–1870) 255
Demidov, Nikita AkinWevich (1724–1789) 250
Dempster, Sir Thomas 45
Denon, Vivant (1747–1825) 74
Descartes, Rene ́(1596–1650) 41
Desor, Edouard (1811–1882) 379
Dethier, Philipp Anton (1803–1881) 111
Devoulx, Albert 274
Dhorme, Edouard-Paul (1881–1966) 152
Dias, Gonc ̧alves (1823–1864) 92, 93
Dickie, Archibald Campbell (1868–1941) 153
Dieulafoy, Jane (1851–1916) 144, 145, 145n
Dieulafoy, Marcel (1844–1920) 144, 145
Diguet, Le ́on 176
Ding Wenjiang (1887–1936) 192n, 199
Do Xuan Hop 237
Doguel, Mikhail Ivanovich 262
Dondi, Giovanni (born. c. 1330) 34
Dorow, Wilhelm 328

Douglas, James 52
Doumer, Paul (1857–1932) 235
Driver, Samuel Roller (1846–1914) 162–3
Drovetti, Bernardino (1776–1852) 76, 119
Dubois de Montpe ́reux, Fre ́de ́ric
(1798–1850) 255
Dubois, Eugene (1858–1940) 301–2, 308
Dubrux, Paul 253, 254
Dufour, Henri 236
Dumont, Albert 270
Duthoit, Edmond (1840–1880) 274, 269
Dutreuil de Rhins, Jules (1846–1894) 193
Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 2nd Baronet
(1843–1911) 212
Disraeli, Benjamin (r. 1870s and 1880s) 212
Ecker, Alexander (1816–1887) 238
Edwards, Amelia (1831–1892) 122, 376
Ekai Kawaguchi (1866–1945) 201
Elgin, Lord Thomas (Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of
Elgin and 11th Earl of Kincardine)
(1766–1841) 46, 47, 225
Elizabeth, Russian (d. 1762) (Empress of Russia) 48
Emilio, Paolo 35
Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895) 371
Engerrand, George (1877–1961) 185
Erp, Theodoor van (1874–1958) 221
Eschricht, Daniel Friederich (1798–1863) 347
Esquilache, marquis of (Leopoldo de Gregorio)
(c.1700–1785) 40
Evans, Louis 304
Evans, Sir Arthur John (1851–1941) 110, 153,
Evans, Sir John (1823–1908) 378
Ewald, Heinrich (1803–1875) 161
Faidherbe, Louis Leon Cesar (1818–1889) 272
Falbe, Christian (1791–1849) 265
Falconer, Hugh (1808–1865) 356
Farnesio, Isabella of 44
Farrar, Frederic W. (1831–1903) 227
Fath Ali (r. 1797–1834) (Shah of Persia) 140
Fay, C. R 99
Fea, Carlo (1753–1836) 72, 103, 357
Fedorovna, Maria (Empress Russia) 253
Felipe II (King of Spain) 35
Fellows, Charles (1799–1860) 112
Feng Hu Tzu 188
Fergusson, James (1808–1886) 224, 225, 229
Ferna ́ndez Nodal, Jose ́ 183
Ferry, Jules-Franc ̧ois-Camille (r. 1870s and
1880s) 212, 214, 234
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814) 351
Finot, Louis 235, 236
Fiorelli, Giuseppe (1823–1896) 103, 390
Fisher, Clarence S. (1876–1941) 155
Fita, Father Fidel (1835–1918) 191

Index 479
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