A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Silvestre, Jules 234
Sima Qian 188
Skinner, Henry D. 296
Sloane, Sir Hans (1660–1763) 47
Smith, Eli (1801–1857) 134, 149
Smith, George (1840–76) 143–4
Smith, William Robertson (1846–1894) 161–2
Soane, John (1753–1837) 44
Soult, Marshal Nicolas (1769–1851) 265
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903) 372
Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) de (1632–1677) 160
Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar (1776–1832) 345
Squier, Ephraim George (1821–1888) 179, 291,
Srimani, Shyamacharan 230
Stainier, X. 304
Stamatakis, Panayiotis 104
Stassov, W. 258
Steenstrup, Japetus (1813–1897) 262
Stein, Aurel (1862–1943) 170–1, 193–4, 194n,
195, 195n, 200
Stempkovsky, Colonel Ivan 254, 257
Stephens, John Lloyd (1805–1852) 174, 178–9
Stroganov, Baron Alexander (1733–1811) 253
Stroganov, Count Sergei Grigorievich
(1794–1882) 257
Stuart, Charles 229
Stuart, James (1713–88) 46
Stuart, Moses 138
Stu ̈bel, Alphons (1835–1904) 176–7
Stuckenberg, A. A. 383
Stukeley, William (1697–1765) 50, 51, 52
Sturge, William Allen (1850–1919) 202n
Suchtelen, General 253
Sugae Masumi (1754–1829) 189
Sung dynasty (960–1279) (China) 188, 192, 197
Swinton, John (1703–1777) 156
Sze ́che ́nyi, Count Ferenc 322

Taishi (Emperor of Japan) 188
Takakusu Junjiro 201
Tarayre, Edmond Guillemin 175
Tatishchev, Vasily Nikitich (1686–1750) 251
Taylor, Colonel Meadows (1808–1876) 297
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881–1955) 200
Tello, Julio (1880–1947) 144, 184
Temple, Sir Grenville 265
Texier, Charles (1802–1871) 112, 255
Thierry, Augustin (1795–1856) 322, 351–2
Thomas, Cyrus (1825–1910) 291
Thompson, Edward H. (1856–1935) 179
Thomsen, Christian Ju ̈rgensen
(1788–1865) 188, 325, 326, 347
Thurnam, John (1810–1873) 349
Tischler, Otto 379
Tobler, Titus (1806–1877) 149

Tod, James 224
Tokugawa (Japan) 187, 189
Tolstoy, Count Ivan Ivanovich (1880–1954) 258,
Tomaschek, Wilhelm (1841–1901) 258
Torii Ryuzo (1870–1963) 201
Towneley, Charles (1737–1805) 47, 75
Tozzer, Alfred (1877–1954) 185
Tran Van Giap 237
Tro ̈ltsch, E. von 380
Tschernyschev 259n
Tschudi, Johann von (1818–1889) 91, 182
Tsuboi Shogoro (1863–1913) 16, 199
Tsunenaga, Hasekura (1571–1622) 187
Turley, W. 373
Uhle, Friedrich Max (1856–1944) 170–1, 176,
177, 180, 184
Uvarov, Alexis (OuvaroV, Alexis) 358
Uvarov, Count Sergei S. (1786–1855) 256, 262
Vajiravuth, King (gov.1910–25) (Siam) 18, 238
Vallancey, Charles (c. 1725–1812) 336
Vallaury, Alexander 114
Valle, Pietro della (1586–1652) 73, 139
Valtrovic, Mihailo (1839–1915) 390
Vandervelde, General 353
Varnhagen, Francisco Adolpho de 93
Vasiliev, V. 256
Vega, Francisco de la 44
Vekif Pasha, Ahmet (Ottoman empire) 111
Velasco, Juan de 57
Veniukov, Mikhail 283
Verbeek, R. D. M. 220
Verneau, Rene ́(1852–1938) 272, 294, 300
Verneuil, E ́douard de (1805–1873) 357
Veselovsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (1848–1918) 257
Veth, Pieter J. 218
Victoria, (British Queen) 135
Villacevallos y Vera, Pedro Leonardo de
(1696–1774) 48
Vincent, Louis-Hugues (1872–1960) 152
Viollet-le-Duc, Euge`ne (1814–1879) 269,
343, 391
Virchow, Rudolf (1821–1902) 177, 302n, 328,
348, 374, 394
Visconti, Ennio Quirino (1751–1818) 69, 70
Vocel, Jan Erazim (1803–1871) 342, 361
Vogel, Jean Philippe (1872–1958) 229, 243
Volney, Constantin Franc ̧ois Chasseboeuf, count
of (1757–1820) 73
von Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp
(1794–1868) 92, 92n, 93
von Schneider, Robert Ritter 116
Vyatkin, Vladimir 262
Vyse, Colonel 76

Index 485
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