
(sharon) #1
Recognition of a new insight is important and
extremely worthwhile, but an ethos based on
having a loser rather than upon making a sig-
nificant positive contribution requires setting
up battlegrounds. These types of engage-
ments have far too much impact on the defi-
nition of success in the sciences, and the logic,
or lack thereof, of this behavior is often lost
on successful professional women.

From experiences during education to
experiences in the professions, women and
men are confronted with positive and nega-
tive feedback regarding careers in the biologi-
cal sciences. Earlier networking and mentor-
ing advice to students and junior colleagues
would serve to help women determine

whether biological science is indeed the pas-
sion of their professional lives. The network-
ing and mentoring that help in that decision
making need to continue as the young profes-
sionals, and senior professionals, progress in
their careers and encounter new issues unre-
lated to the passion for the discipline, but
directly related to their ability to be successful
in pursuing that discipline. From introduc-
tions at a national meeting to appointments
onto powerful institutional committees,
engaging women in the positive process of
science as well as the pleasure of science may
encourage more women to commit their ener-
gies to staying rather than leaving. ■


  1. NSF Report NSF 96-311, “Women, Minorities, and
    Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 1996.”

  2. Seymour, E. and Hewitt, N. M., 1994 Talking about
    Leaving, Final report to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation on an
    ethnographic inquiry at seven institutions

  3. Science255, 1365-1388 (1992) Women in Science, First
    Annual Survey.

  4. Etzkowitz et al., Science266, 51-54 (1994) The Paradox of
    Critical Mass for Women in Science.

  5. Science 271, 1901-1921 (1996) Maintaining Diversity in


The notion of winners and
losers in scientific research is
limited since scientific discoveries
are based on years of prior work
by many others.
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