
(sharon) #1
interaction among a diverse set of colleagues,
and the success of peer review depends upon
broad participation. Try to review manu-
scripts and grant applications in the evenings
or on weekends to ensure that work days are
reserved, within reason, for your own work.

The most important activities for graduate
students and postdoctoral fellows are experi-
ment planning and data generation. A deliber-
ate approach is required to keep up with the
literature, attend seminars and courses, and
oversee the work of others while carrying out
your own research project. At the end of each

day, have a plan for what you hope to do
the next morning. Write out your protocols,
make up your solutions, and reserve cen-
trifuges/microscopes etc. at least one day
before. When you get to the lab in the morn-
ing, you will be ready to go and able to make
the best use of the day. During incubations or
while gels are running, think ahead about the
next experiment or use this time to read a

research article or catch up on class assign-
ments. Evenings and weekends are ideal times
to catch up on reading, complete coursework,
and plan ahead for upcoming experiments.
The most effective students and postdocs take
full advantage of their time in the lab and con-
sider themselves professional experimental-
ists. Indeed, most cell biological discoveries
are made by students and postdocs.

Lists Can Help
Lists help all of us keep track of commit-
ments. By writing down what you need to
take care of, you will be sure to accomplish
more than you might otherwise. Also, some
items require five minutes whereas others
may require days. You might wish to keep a
column reserved for the small things that you
can cross off in between other activities.

Stay on Top of the Game
People who feel especially overwhelmed
often face email overload. Their inboxes grow
daily, and their ability to distinguish mes-
sages that require immediate action from
those that don’t degrades every day. Respond
quickly to messages and throw out anything
unessential and you will find email to be
more manageable. It is also essential to
organize your email using folders for differ-

ent projects. Someone needs a plasmid? File it
under collaborators. Faculty meeting? File it
under department business. Email spam is an
irritating time-waster and an unfortunate
part of our current world. Create a filter and

Graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows need to
remember that their most
important activities are
experiment planning and data



Try to review manuscripts and
grant applications in the
evenings or on weekends to
ensure that work days are
reserved for your own work.

Respond quickly to messages and
throw out anything unessential
and you will soon find email to
be more manageable.
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