
(sharon) #1
what is constitutively a demanding experi-
ence thoroughly unbearable.

When in your career to join is a delicate
question. Evaluations of grants have a much
larger impact than reviews of papers. But
study section members are much more visi-
ble than anonymous journal reviewers.
Rosters of study sections are available on the
net, and the author of a proposal will
inevitably guess (rightly or wrongly) which
two or three members are the most likely

reviewers. So people on study section can
feel exposed, and many members have been
blamed or (much less often) credited—
again, rightly or wrongly—by a colleague
for the disposition of a proposal. These cir-
cumstances frankly make study section
service problematic for junior people. Add
to that the time it takes and the level of judg-
ment and experience required. That’s why
many advise waiting until tenure to join a
study section, save for exceptional cases.
That’s a shame, because the learning part is
especially beneficial to young people, but
it’s probably sound advice.
There are many other aspects of study
sections that are important: how the reviews
are turned into numerical scores; what can
go wrong in study section, and why,
and who is responsible for making things
right; the ethics of reviewing; and more.
Dedicated, thoughtful members make all
the difference. ■


People on study section can feel
exposed, and many members
have been blamed or (much
less often) credited—rightly
or wrongly—by a colleague for
the disposition of a proposal.
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