
(sharon) #1
tiques, a budget recommendation, a meeting
roster, and contact information for the
appropriate Program Officer in the assigned
Institute or Center.

If Your Application Was
Not Funded
If your application was not funded, you have
two options. If the summary statement out-
lines specific points that can be addressed
succinctly, then fixing those weaknesses and
submitting an amended application for the
next deadline is advisable. For amended
applications, reviewers are given the prior
summary statement and they are instructed
to comment on both the applicant’s response
to the previous review and the degree to

which the application is improved, so a key
factor in crafting a successful amended appli-
cation is addressing the reviewers’ criticisms.
This does not necessarily mean accepting
them; sometimes reviewers’ criticisms can be
handled by providing additional information

or a more thorough explanation. In most
cases, the amended application will be sent to
the same study section, although different
reviewers may be assigned to review it. If the
applicant requests another study section in a
cover letter and the new study section has the
expertise required to review the application,
the request is generally honored.
Scores are often improved in subsequent
submissions (for a given project, one can
make three submissions). However, changing
the application according to the prior study
section’s comments does not guarantee fund-
ing. Sometimes the second set of reviewers
uncover weaknesses not found during the
first review. Therefore, it is common for even
an amended application to receive an unfa-
vorable score; it may even score more poorly
than did the original.

If you believe that a substantive factual
error has been made in the review process,
your second option is to initiate a formal
appeal by writing a letter to the Program
Officer. Your concern will be discussed at
NIH and your letter may be sent to the
Advisory Council or Board of the funding
Institute or Center, seeking their recommen-
dation for an appropriate course of action. In
order to be effective, an appeal letter should
address specific issues or comments in the
summary statement that can be documented,
rather than differences of scientific opinion.


You should not attempt to
discuss your application, the
manner in which it was
reviewed or an appropriate
course of action until you have
the summary statement in hand
and have given it adequate

A key factor in crafting a
successful amended application
is addressing the reviewers’


In order to be effective, an
appeal letter should address
specific issues or comments
in the summary statement
that can be documented,
rather than differences of
scientific opinion.
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