Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 6

Inferences Involving Binomial and Nominal

Count Data

One-Sample Tests (two measures)^

6.1 One-sample χ

(^2) test of independence


One-sample test for binomial or multi-category data in the form of
frequency counts. Used to test the significance of an association
between two categorical variables.

6.1 Phi Coefficient 174

A descriptive measure of the strength of association between two
categorical variables in a 2×2 table. Often used in conjunction with a
χ^2 test.

6.1 Cramer’s Phi (sometimes called Cramer’s V) 174

A descriptive measure of the strength of association between two
categorical variables when there are more than four cells in the
contingency table.

6.2 Binomial test 175

A one-sample test that is useful for comparing two proportions or
percentages. The two percentages should add up to 100 per cent
(because this is a one-sample test).

Two-Sample Tests^

6.1 r×2 Sample χ

(^2) test of homogeneity


A test of homogeneity of proportions in a contingency table. When
subjects are sampled from two separate populations, this test is used
to compare the distribution of proportions in the two independent
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