Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

6.2 Phi

6.3 Cramer’s V


Binomial approximation to normal distribution with continuity


6.5 Probability of observed frequency distribution for Fisher’s test

6.6 Standard error of difference in proportions

6.7 Cochran’s Q statistic

7.1 Spearman’s rank order correlation

7.2 Normal approximation for the sampling distribution of U


Z-score approximation for sampling distribution of T,Wilcoxon

Signed Ranks Test

7.4 Kruskal-Wallis H-test statistic

7.5 Correction for ties in K-W H-statistic

7.6 Friedman’s Chi-square adjusted for ties

8.1 Simple linear regression equation

8.2 Confidence interval for the regression slope

8.3 Total corrected Sums of Squares for Y

8.4 Sums of Squares for cross product XY

8.5 Estimate of regression slope parameter

8.6^ Estimate of intercept parameter^

8.7 Standard deviation of residuals

8.8 Standard error of slope parameter

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