Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 8

Inferences Involving Continuous Data

One-sample Tests (two measures)^

8.1 Introduction to regression and correlation 253

8.2 Linear regression analysis 259

This procedure is used to describe a linear relation between a response and
explanatory variable(s) to estimates parameters e.g., β 0 , β 1 or to predict values of a
response variable.

8.3 Pearson’s correlation r^283

This quantifies the extent of a linear relationship between two variables.

Two-sample Tests^

8.4 Independent t-test (unrelated) 295

This is a parametric test of differences between population means and is used

when two samples are independent.^

8.5 Paired t-test (related) 307

This is a parametric test of the mean population differences when samples are
related. The same subjects are observed or measured on two occasions forming
the related samples. Matched subjects may be used instead of repeated measures
on the same subjects.

Multiple-sample Tests^

8.6 Introduction to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 312

One-Factor (Independent variable)^

8.7 One-way ANOVA F-test (unrelated) 319

This is used to identify population differences among two or more means on

one-response variable, when samples are independent. Different subjects are used^

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