Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

of reasoning ability and is often used as an indication of intelligence (IQ). The data is
shown in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Teacher estimate of pupil maths ability

(MATHS), standardized maths attainment

(SMATHS) and Raven score (RAVEN) for ten



17 5 110 1
18 10 133 1
19 5 109 2
20 3 114 1
24 8 128 1
27 5 109 1
28 8 119 2
29 5 119 1
60 1 95 7
61 6 118 1

Two research questions are considered: i) Is SMATHS linearly related to MATHS? and
ii) Is RAVEN score linearly related to MATHS? To obtain a visual impression of the
strength of any linear relationships between these variables two scatterplots are produced:
a plot of MATHS vs SMATHS (plot symbol *) and a plot of MATHS vs RAVEN scores
(plot symbol #), see Figure 8.8.

Statistical analysis for education and psychology researchers 284
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